Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning tumbling out of bed, rushing to find a pair of nice jeans, but I couldn't seem to find one so instead, I threw on a pair of black jeans, which seemed to be nice, but it had a hole by the crotch area.

"Well, this isn't going to work," I told myself as I stared at the hole.

I walked back to my closet looking for a new pair of jeans but I couldn't find one so I just simply found an oversized plain white shirt that covered the hole. I threw on my converse, grabbed my bag, and I headed out the door.

When I got in my car my phone rang, I looked down to see it was Camila, I felt myself smile.


"Harry, could you pick me up?" Camila asked, she sounded annoyed. "I missed the bus and Austin usually picks me up but you know..."

"Yeah," I answered with no hesitation, "I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and pulled out of my driveway as soon as possible. Camila didn't live very far from where I lived, it only took me about fifteen minutes to get to her house, but if I were to walk it would take me at least an hour. When I took a right turn onto Camila's street I saw a girl sitting on the curb, crying. It was Camila.

"Hey, you look sad," I shouted at the girl as I rolled my window down. "I got candy, hop in the car" I gave her a creepy smile and a smile shined across Camila's face.

"You are such an idiot," Camila wiped her tears and opened the door. "So where's the candy?"

"Right here," I gave her a bag of tootsie rolls.

"Thank you," she took the bag out of my hand and I drove off.

"So how are you?" I glanced at Camila as she unwrapped a tootsie roll.

"In terms with relationship wise not so good, but as of right now, I'm pretty great I guess," she smiled as she looked over at me.

I felt myself smile. "So what happened?"

"With Austin?"

"Who else would we be talking about?"

"Right, well over Summer Austin and I spent like two weeks apart, he went back home to Texas, and I stayed here in Miami. Turns out back at Texas Austin had a quote on quote girl friend."

"WHAT?!" I was pissed, Austin cheated on Camila I assumed..

"Wait I'm not done, let me finish," Camila's voice started to sound shaky. "Turns out her name is Abby, and she goes to our school now. Here's the best part, she told me yesterday to stay away from Austin and Austin agreed with her, let me say that again, AUSTIN AGREED WITH ABBY THAT I SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Camila shouted.

"What the hell? None of this is making sense, if he wanted you to stay away from him then why did he come grab you yesterday?"

"Exactly he only grabbed me so he could break up with me, in the most immature way possible."

"Okay, so he had Abby tell you to stay away from him so he could agree and break up with you?"

"Basically," Camila shrugged her shoulders.

"What a douche, I think he needs to meet my fist," I balled my hands into a fist.

"Harry, I don't picture you as the fighting type, remember in seventh grade in pe when you tried to beat up that kid for throwing a dodgeball at my face?"

"Whatever, Austin can meet Liam's fist, he's tough." Camila laughed. "What does Abby look like so I can talk to her."

"Talk to her about what?" Camila asked.

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