Chapter 1

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It's so weird how people say they hate school but still laugh and smile when they're at school, I thought as I made my way to my locker. It was the first day of school and I wasn't feeling it, considering the fact that last year was just complete crap. Last year I found out my crush, Camila Cabello, finally got a boyfriend, and to add to that her first kiss. I've always thought I would be her first boyfriend and her first kiss but every time I talk to her I freeze up and can't speak. It sucks being shy.

"Harry!" I turned around to find my four obnoxious friends, who I consider brothers, walking towards me.

Liam had a basketball in hand, I have no idea why, and he looks like he grew a bit of facial hair over the summer. Actually, it looks like Zayn and Louis grew a bit of facial hair as well. Niall still looks like Niall, except his natural hair color was showing more, so it looked like he had some blonde streaks instead of a full head of blonde.

"Sup," Liam said patting my shoulder in an odd way.

"Nothing?" I looked at Liam weird.

"How are you?" Louis asked in concern.

"Guys, if this is about Camila and Austin, I'm over it." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

They all raised their brows at me.

"No seriously, I'm moving on. My crush on Camila Cabello is long gone, in fact, who is Camila Cabello?" And of course I had to turn my head in time to see Camila and her friends walking my direction.

Watching Camila and her friends walking in the halls at Mesa High, is like that movie scene where its all slow motion, boys- even girls- fainting, wind blowing through their hair, the badass Beyonce music playing in the background, yeah you get the point right? Anyways these girls were all beautiful, but Camila has always stood out to me since the first grade. I don't know what it is, she's just beautiful and everything she does makes my heart flutter.

"He's not over her," I heard Niall whisper to the guys, and they all agreed.

"Shut up," I turned to them.

They just laughed me, they all tapped my back while I went to open my locker.

"Shit," I said with frustration. "My damn locker is jammed."

"Pull it harder," Louis said.

I kept tugging at the lock trying to pull it open, and it just wouldn't open.

"Hey, boys," I looked over my right shoulder and saw the beautiful, alluring Camila Cabello standing there. "Harry," she smiled at me.

"Hey," I smiled, then turned away still struggling to open my locker.

"Struggling there Mr. Styles?" Lauren asked chuckling.

"Yeah," and finally with one last tug it opened, and with my luck my locker door swung open and hit me straight in the damn forehead. "Fuck!" I yelled putting both hands over my forehead.

"Oh my God," Camila and her friends started laughing, and of course my friends laughed too, making fun of me.

Of course this would happen to me, especially in front of my freaking crush. "Yeah, I'm alright," I said with such sarcasm.

"Well damn if I have to deal with this all year at my locker, everyday will be a good day!" Dinah exclaimed still laughing as she turned to open the locker on the right, next to mine.

I felt my face turn bright red, it felt like it was on fire, I swear I looked like a tomato.

"Okay, okay, enough laughing at Mr. Styles, lets exchange schedules and see if we have any classes together," Lauren chuckled and pulled her schedule out.

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