twenty one

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Chapter 21
Your friend

| Quinn |

Buggy💫: did you want to
come shopping with me??

Q: hell yeah

Q: I'll pick you up in 20?

It didn't take much for me to convince myself that I could skip out on our extra conditioning this morning, especially when it was Chandler.

It didn't take much for me to convince her to help me with my family coming into town. Do I feel bad about taking advantage about the fact that she can't say no, yes. Do I feel bad about being able to spend more time just the two of us, no.

I've spent most of the morning attempting to clean my apartment. Well, really I've just been tidying my apartment, I had to text Chandler asking if she had cleaning products I could borrow. It's sad how little I really clean my place, no one ever really visits, I spend most of my time at the other guys places, the only people that come over has been pretty limited to my family.

Jack was flying in this afternoon, seeing as their team 'needed a couple of days to adjust to the time change', and my parents and Luke were coming in later tonight. I was excited to see them again, but at the same time I'm kind of freaking out.

My first couple of games after I signed my contract I was living in a hotel room, I felt like I had lost most of the independence I had gained during university despite being in a different country. Last year, I had gotten an apartment, but I would hardly consider that as me taking care of myself. Last year was rough; I was a rookie and really just took whatever was thrown at me because I knew, or thought I knew, my place in the social ladder. Now another year in, I can barely cook for myself, clearly can't clean, and I'm barely home so I wouldn't say I'm thriving in my living by myself phase. But I'm trying. I can feel that I'm better than I was last year - not just physically but mentally, and I wanted to be able to prove that to my family.

I have a long day planned out for Chandler, one I'm not entirely sure she knows she's in for.

My apartment is pretty bare; it looks like I had just moved in despite having been here for a couple months. I didn't even have a table for us to eat dinner at tonight. The only thing other than my couch and TV in the living room is the blanket I bought at Costco, beside that the living area was pretty bare. I'm in desperate need of an Ikea trip, which would be happening in approximately an half an hour.

I didn't have to wait more than a minute outside of Chandler's building before she came running out to my car. Her hair is down in her wavy-curls, with a peacoat on over top of a striped sweater. She looks so good and put together it literally took me a minute to compose myself.

"Hey," she giggles as she jumps in the passenger seat. I think I manage to breathe out a response, but I'm honestly not sure.

"I'm so excited for today, thanks for inviting me out," she gushes again as I start to pull away from the parking spot I somehow managed to find. "Chandler, you're doing me the biggest favour right now, I'm going to be thanking you for a while after today." She rolls her eyes a little before turning to the console, changing my playlist to the indie one I downloaded for today before turning the screen back to the map I had routed out. "Oh my gosh, I love Ikea, Q you really know the way to a girls heart," she laughs before finally sinking into her seat.

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