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chapter 6

| Chandler |

"Smithers!" I jump as I hear someone yelling towards our table. Everett's face quickly lights up, standing up as I see Jake approaching our picnic table. I look at Carson, whose attention is fully on Jake, not noticing my annoyed expression. "Breuns" Jake smirks as both Carson and I smile at him. "El get over here!" Jake yells as I see Carson and Everett's jaws slack open.

Without warning, a blond, barely taller than Jake pops up beside our table. "Petey, this is Everett," Jake introduces the two as Everett's face stays stunned. "It's nice to finally meet you," he smiles as Everett finally composes himself. "Holy shit," he breathes as the rest of us burst into a fit of laughter. "These are the Breuns, Carson on the right and Chaney on the left," Jake points us out as I scrunch my nose when he uses my nickname to introduce me. "Carson it's great to meet you," he shakes his hand as Carson smiles up at him, only slightly more composed than Everett. "And you must be alfredo girl!" I can feel my face turn bright red as I shake his hand, suddenly unable to say anything. I shoot Jake a nice glare as he bursts out laughing, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable I was.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Jake claps his hands together, eyeing up our papers covering the table. "I think Chaney had to finish up a paper quickly, and I just have to send off this email real quick. Cars, is there anything you have to do?" Everett quickly rambles as Carson closes up his laptop. "No I'm good, how was practice, Jake?" The guys go off into a conversation about their practice as I focus on typing out the last of my opening-term astronomy paper.

"Chaney, are you ever going to finish over there?" I look up as Jake smirks at me. I quickly close my laptop, stacking together all my papers as I desperately try to shove all my stuff into my backpack.

"Are you guys coming over?" I try to hold back the annoyance in my voice, not wanting blondie to think I'm being rude. Jake quickly nods his head, while blondie asks if it's okay. "I like him, he's way nicer than you are" I smile at the two as blondie's face goes a little pink. "Elias, can you go get my car for me?" Jake tosses him the keys as Elias mutters something under his breath.

"I'm not saying I promised him that you would make us dinner, but he is a big fan of your cooking" Jake smirks at me as Carson smiles at us. "Yeah thanks for that by the way, does your whole team think I cook for you?" I smack Jake's chest as he lets out an exaggerated gasp. "No, well, they know that I know a lovely lady that makes the best chicken alfredo in Vancouver" he wiggles his eyebrows at me as I glare up at him "make that the best alfredo in Canada and I'll cook" I laugh as he quickly changes his answer.

We make our way down the stairs along the arena, quickly finding ourselves at the entrance of the parking garage. I throw my hair into a low bun, trying to pull out some pieces around my face so I don't look so much like a guy. "You never try to look that nice for me, are you trying to look a little nicer for Petey?" Jake smirks as I punch him in the arm. "I'm trying not to look like a guy, but thanks for the compliment" I roll my eyes as I see Jake's Range Rover pull up to the entrance, a similar bright blue car pulling in behind.

Carson, Everett and I jump into the back seat, squishing me between the two boys as Elias and Jake switch seats in front. I jump as the car behind us let's out a quick honk, Elias laughing as he opens the passenger door. "That," Jake smiles at me as he opens our back door again, "is Quinn Hughes, maybe that will jog your memory a little" he smirks at me as all of us turn to look out the back window. "Jake you can't see shit out your dirty window" I laugh as Jake closes the door, finally getting in the driver's seat and pulling off towards our place.

The drive, despite only being 5 minutes, is plenty enough for the boys to get into their energetic moods they always have when they're together. The four of them excitedly talking about hockey, for only 5 minutes it feels like 30. Finally being released from between Everett and Carson is like freedom, at least for the 2 minutes it takes to walk over to the elevator before we're all squished in again.

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