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chapter 3
coffee shop latte art

| Quinn |

Practice this morning was pitiful. I know that management can tell that I'm not in the right headspace right now, and with our upcoming training camp, I quite literally feel sick at the very thought of giving them a reason to replace me. Getting back in the dressing room it took everything in me not to snap my stick, but it was only a practice, no reason to show them how frustrated I really am.

"Hughes! We're going to go get breakfast before dry land, did you want to come?" my new line mate Tyler asks as he stands from his spot beside me. New for him to be my linemate, because despite management wanting me to become a face for the franchise, they can't seem to keep me a solid partner. First Chris, and now, well it will probably be Tyler or Jamie. "Thanks, um I think I'll just get a coffee or something, not quite feeling it today." I tried to hold back the snark in my voice, I don't want him to think I'm outwardly being rude for the invitation, even if I really don't want to go.

I don't look up from my skates as I untie them, but I can hear his sigh as he walks away. After I strip down to my under armour, throwing on a pair of black sweatpants, I realize I probably should actually get something to eat.

Almost numbly, I walk out the stadium doors, searching for a coffee shop. As people give me second glances, I think about turning my hat around to cover my face, only to realize how much more it would display the players-only edition I had. If I was destined to be a face of the team I would like to avoid it at least until the regular season starts.

After about 5 minutes, I stumble across a small coffee shop that isn't a Starbucks, deciding to try it out. As soon as I open the door I'm instantly hit with the scent of fresh coffee, the faint noise of the machines at work while some soft music plays overhead. The clean white walls brighten the inside, while the few tables create a cozy atmosphere. With nearly no one inside, I easily walk up to the counter, looking over their meal board.

"Hi," a small voice starts, snapping my attention away from the board and towards the girl who appeared at the register. "Hi, um just a second" she nods and scoots towards the machines, pressing a couple buttons before I move to be in front of the register. I quickly order a flat white with a panini, pay and wait for my order. I'm pretty sure the girl behind the counter is the only one working right now, and if I wasn't so in my head at the moment I'd probably be at least trying to flirt with her.

Her brown hair curls just past her shoulders, most of it out from a loose low hair tie. Her v-neck black shirt perfectly displays her collarbones, as well as a few small tattoos on her arms. Before I can truly dissect her tattoos, her voice startles me again, and - shit, I've been staring at her this whole time.

"Any requests?" She asks as I hope she didn't catch me watching her. "Sorry?" I look up to meet her eyes, an almost emerald green colour with swirls of light hazel. "Did you want anything specific on top?" She asks again looking down at the cup in her hands. "No?" I question, not entirely sure what she's meant by it, I watch her begin to pour the frothed milk into the paper cup, starting an almost leaf-like design on the top of the cup. The small action makes me smile, watching as she lightly bites her lip in concentration.

Maybe I do have it in me to flirt, just a little.

She sets the cup down on the counter in front of me, a tired smile on her face. Yeah, okay, I can flirt a little bit.

Before I get a chance, she's already turned around, working on trying to get my panini from the grill. She easily slips it off before turning to look at me, "did you want a bag or a plate?" She asks, her eyes instantly meeting mine. "A plate," I answer quickly, surprising myself with the decision to stay here rather than go back to the arena, "please." I throw in at the end.

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