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chapter 17
stupid spoon

| Quinn |

I should ignore it. I'm going to pretend it didn't happen. Honestly, it was probably just a figment of my imagination, right? It was probably a dream, I slept like a rock last night so it was almost definitely a dream.

"Good morning Huggy!" Despite waking up with the bed to myself, the guys were quick to be my personal alarm clock as soon as it turned 9. I don't even have an excuse to try and get them out of my room, instead just rolling over into my pillow more.

"See I told you we shouldn't lay beside him, he would have cuddled right into Chan," I quickly move my arm out from under me to flip them off, causing everyone to laugh too loudly for this early in the morning.

"Quinlan you need to get up" I didn't realize that Chandler was sitting on the bed right beside me until now, suddenly I realize that I'm pressed almost right against her. "My names not Quinlan." I look up to see her with an amused expression on her face, the rest of the guys laughing at what I'm sure is the worst bedhead I could possibly have.

"Okay, c'mon, we're leaving for brunch in 20 minutes so get your shit together," one of them grabs at my ankles, trying to pull me off the bed. "It's my birthday, I want to sleep in," I groan as I pull my pillow down with me as I'm dragged off the bed. "Oh yeah, happy birthday buddy!" I finally open my eyes to see Brock and Elias standing over me, each responsible for an ankle. Everyone else, which I guess means all of them were also in the room, yell a quick happy birthday before leaving me to get ready.

"Quinn we really do need to leave in like, 5 minutes, get off the floor," Jake and Elias come back again, I guess after 15 minutes of me laying on the floor. "C'mon, Chandler's already waiting in the car, and I want to see you get as wine drunk as possible so we need to get started early." I shove them out of the room, quickly getting dressed and ready before heading downstairs, where they were all basically waiting for me in the cars.

"Where are we going?" I yell as Jake gestures me over to his car, giving me the passenger seat. "Happy birthday Quinn!" Chandler and Elias both cheer as I get into the car, laughing at my slightly annoyed reaction. Not at all an answer to my question.

"Are we going to your parents first?" I turn sideways in my seat, looking at Chandler seems better than looking at the road. She quickly nods, turning a little towards me with a smile before focusing almost intensely on the road. "Um yeah," she coughs like she has to clear her throat, "yeah we're going to get brunch there, and then we'll move around to a couple different ones."

The winery we pull up to, made out of stone and tall glass windows, with huge yellow trees around the parking lot and fields of a vineyard in the distance, is pretty much exactly what I had expected the Breuns' winery to look like. A little classic with some updated flare.

"Oh my gosh I'm so hungry, c'mon," Chandler jumps out of the car before the rest of us even have our seatbelts off. The parking lot is busier than I had expected, but it doesn't stop Chandler from twirling around, stupidly dancing around Carson while the two chant something about flatbreads.

As soon as we stepped out of the parking lot onto the sidewalk leading to the front doors Ellen was there to greet us. "I was so nervous you weren't going to come, c'mon I need you two to go say your hellos," she excitedly pushes Carson and Chandler through the doors before leading us over to the restaurant.

"Happy birthday sweetheart," Ellen gives me a quick hug as she shows us to our table, mentioning that the other 2 will meet us over here in a minute. The waiter, which I know Ellen assigned to us after Chandler insisted on having a cuter server, quickly brings us water and juice, or at least what I thought was juice, but at the first sip quickly realize is spiked.

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