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chapter 15
I just don't want you to be alone

| Chandler |

"Oh buggy you look so sweet" my mom smiles at me as she quickly embraces me in a hug. I mumble out a 'thanks' before quickly filling a glass with water, damn the morning fast. I would do anything for a nice warm cup of coffee right now.

"I'm so glad that you guys agreed to come, I know we can't make it to their big service next weekend but I'm okay with that because at least you're all coming to this one" her smile is nearly blinding as she watches my every move.

Damn Jake for bringing this all up last night.

"Those boys better get a move on it if they plan on coming" my dad turns his phone over, carefully slipping his glasses off his nose. "Carson Levi" he shouts through the house, making me jump and wince a little at his strict tone. Not even a minute later Carson, Everett, and Jake are standing in the kitchen entrance, looking mildly terrified of my dad.

"Oh, you look so sweet!" My mom rushes over to plant a kiss on Carson's forehead. "Are the other boys coming as well?" She innocently asks as she straightens out the wrinkles on Carson's shoulders.

As if they were waiting to hear her ask about them, the rest of the boys quickly make their way down the stairs, joining the other 3 in standing before my mother, who suddenly looked like she was going to cry. "Oh my goodness you boys are too sweet" she throws a hand over her mouth as if to stop herself from crying as Jake gives me a smug smile. She's probably trying to stop herself from crying.

"Ellen you need to leave them alone" my dad comes to her rescue, grabbing her shoulder and leading her out to the garage. "I'm sorry" Carson and I complain at the same time, earning myself a glare from Carson and a round of laughter from the rest of the guys.

"You look nice" Carson bends over to whisper to me, not wanting to have the guys behind him hear as we make our way out to the cars. The air this morning is nippy as I pull my grey cardigan closer around me, Jake tosses me his phone, sliding into his seat as I start the directions for him.

"I'm sorry in advance, if I were you guys I'd just hide off to the side until everything is over" I try to keep my focus on the road but find myself watching Brock and Elias in the backseat, Brock giving me an amused smile. "If Ellen can make me dinner every night I can go to church with her for one day" he smiles as Elias nods his head in agreement.

"I hate this" I mumble as I pull into the already busy church parking lot. Jake practically giggles as he pushes himself out of the car, Brock, and Elias quickly following him.

I jump a little at the knock on my window, Jake maniacally smiling at me through the glass. "Chan you need to get out of the car to get to the service" he props the door open, offering me his hand as I step out of the car. Reluctantly, I let my hand fall into his as he practically pulls me out of the car.

Jake keeps my hand in his, tightly holding on to it as he leads me towards where the rest of the guys are waiting by the main doors. For a group I've only really seen wearing sweatpants or shirtless for the past couple days, they do have the ability to clean up nicely.

I could feel Carson's eyes on me the whole walk up to their group, my hand quickly feeling foreign and uncomfortable in Jakes. I tried to wiggle my fingers, hoping he would get the message to release my hand, but instead he just tightens his grip. I try my best to glare at him, but quickly make eye contact with my mother over Jake's shoulder, her smile as broad as ever as she watches us from her group of church ladies. "Jake" I try to get his attention as I move my hand in his, still trying to figure out how to get the point across.

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