part 21

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"i had to somehow walk my dead ass all the way back to the green snake room and up the stairs."

i was in the great hall getting my everyday meals, cuz a gurl can't miss a meal, gotta get that pineapple. 

but as i got up to leave the great hall i didn't notice two girls following me. 

a certain bushy head and a bleach blonde.

i turned down a corridor to see if they followed me and they did. 

" ello love." says the bushy headed girl, i think her name was herman, mike, oh yeah hermione. 

" let's get to the point mione." says loony- i mean luna.

" right we want to have a threesome with you."


i mean i won't be turning this shit down. but whattttdidshesayyyyyy.

" bet."

so they started to fucking undress me already. why we going so fucking fast, actually i don't care.

i had one girl to my backside and one on my front. i was practically eiffel towered between them. the blonde started to roughly kiss me while bushy haired girl played with my poon. then they suddenly switched hermione was kissing me while luna played with my shit. 

" gawd dayum" 

they were all up in my guts, pretty sure my organs would fucking fall out if she went any further up. 

luna pulled her fingers out and walked off, hermione followed her. 

what da hell. they just left.

draco then walks down the corridor and stares at me open mouth catching all the flies.


"shut the fuck up daddy's bitch"

i found my clothes and did the walk of shame back to my dorm with draco following me like a fucking puppy. 

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