part 16

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wassup beaches, sorry its been so long since we've written. we had a power point night along with watching half the harry potter movies. anyways here's the shit show.


"So i got in my bed and decided to sleep this shit off, hoping he would show himself the fucking door."

I got up the next morning and decided I guess I should probably attempt to learn whatever type of magic shit they were teaching us. Hey maybe i could abra cadabra me some dick whenever I felt like it.

I get to the library and head for the back corner so no losers would bother me. There was some girl there with some bushy ass hair. Like I deadass though she had an animal on her head.


"You can't sit with me my friends are coming later"

"Pack it up Regina George im sitting here"

I went to reach for a book and a button on my shirt popped open so my titties were basically out. I looked up and this chick was staring at my pierced titties.

"See something ya like?"

Her face turned red and she bit her lip. Honestly it was kinda hot and I was horny and if she was anything like that luna chick I knew this was about to be good.

I pulled her back against a bookshelf and started kissing her. She took control ad slammed me against a wall and snuck her hand down my skirt.

I grabbed a handful of her ass and she started pumping two fingers in me as I started playing with her breasts. We heard someone say

"Hermione where are you?"

We broke away from each other and straightened up our clothes. That's when i saw her friends the red head guy and the lightning bolt dude who cried after sex. Yikes no wonder so liked girls if this is who she hung out with.

I headed out of the library but not before I gave her a wink thinking about how I'd find her again later. I do like me some dick but some kitty kat is growing on me.

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