Dream Boy

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Lia's Pov:

It has been over two days since I was talking to Nandhini but I couldn't find the right time to talk to her about Sam. These two days have brought us closer and now we were good friends. I was waiting for the right time to start the conversation about Sam.

Our programming lessons were almost over and Sam was busy in practising for his teacher's day performance. He didn't let me help him in practising as he wanted me to see his performance live on the stage. He also refused to tell me the song he had selected. So I left him alone to practise for the competition while I decided to talk to Nandhini.

I ran to the terrace and sat on our secret stairs. I dialled her number. I was both excited and scared. Excited that the truth was just a call away and scared because I was worried what if I angered her or created a bad impression on Sam. But I made up my mind to confront her.

"Hey, Lia. How are you doing?", she picked the call enthusiastically. I liked this so much about her. She always had her energy on.

"Hey, Nandhu. I am fine", I said. I have named her Nandhu as she liked to be called so.

"Had your dinner?"

"Yeah, just now. Nandhu, tell me which school did you go?"

"I doubt you might not know it"

"What? Why?"

"It's St. Hilda's residential school in Ooty. I guess you might not have heard of it"

"Hilda's?? Are you serious?", I tried hard to sound excited.

"Oh, do you know it?", she asked me surprised.

"Yeah! My closest family friend studied in the same school", I faked the excited tone.

"Oh, really? What's her name?"

"Oh, it's a boy. He is Sam, Samuel", I said. I shut my eyes; squeezing my hand in anxiousness about what she was going to say. I chewed my bottom lip while I waited for her to respond. She went silent. She didn't speak a word that says she still remember him.

"You might not know him. He was in Computer Science group", I said to indirectly assure her that I was talking about the same Sam who was in her mind. She was still silent. I can no longer hold on to my throbbing heartbeat.

"Do you know him? Have you seen him? Have you guys talked? Do you love him?" Shitttttttt!!!! Stupid Me. I slapped myself as hard as I could.

"WHAAAATTTTTT??!!", she screamed at the top of her voice shocked by my question.

I hit my head. My hands started to shiver in fear. My mind ordered me to end the call and block her forever. But my hands refuse to move. I stood there frozen breathing heavily.

"Lia? What did you just say?" she sounded confused and angry at the same time.

'I am so dead' I thought. My mouth refused to open. When I tried talking only air came out instead of words. As usual, my brain betrayed me by not working at the much needed time.

"Lia, I know you are online. I can hear you breathe. Tell me what you meant? I promise, I wouldn't freak out", she said much softer this time. I sighed, relieved. I tried to compose my words but I couldn't find the best way to convey. So I thought to talk my heart out.

"Nandini, I am not the one you are thinking. I am not your college-mate. Sam is my best friend I can ever have. We are like a family. One day I asked him if he had fallen in love. He said that he had something similar to it while he was in high school. He told me about you. He was happy that this happened but he wasn't sure if it was love or just a crush. I pestered him till he gave me the note in which you had your conversations. I am sooo sorry I read your personal conversations. Once I read it I was so sure that you were so deeply into him but why did you chose to walk out of Sam's life? Even Sam liked you but obviously, he might have been hurt to get over an unknown relationship without a closure. I could totally get him. He even tried to trace you out during the early college days but eventually, he gave up. But I can't let it go. I wanted to know what made you leave him because I knew there must be some strong reason behind it. I wanted it to have a better ending. I am not sure if it's possible but at least a closure for Sam is more than enough. Nandhini, trust me, Sam has nothing to do with this. He doesn't even know that I was trying to find you. It was totally my fault. I am very sorry I lied to you. I can't think of a better excuse to talk to you. I am so sorry" I finally stopped to catch my breath.

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