Happily Caged - The End

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Lia's Pov:

Days passed by vaguely, so soon with medicines, physiotherapy check-ups and sleep. Doctors, friends and relatives walked in and out and I began to feel pissed off being locked up in the same room. After almost a week I was granted permission to get discharged from the hospital. I was finally going home.

My aunt welcomed me happily to our home after almost half a month. My room was cleaned up. It was not in the way I left it in hurry. I felt well once I reached home. I felt better than I was in the hospital.

I forced dad to go back home and resume his job. My parents had been by my side since the day I had met with the accident. They have left behind their jobs and came here to take care of me. Now, as mom and aunty would be enough to take care of me, I asked dad to go back home. He refused to go at first and then when my health seemed to have improved a lot, he agreed to go home. My mom would stay with me till I was completely alright.

After a week I came home, I had my head bandage gone and the few scratches all over my body have healed. The only problem which still persists is my leg fracture. I could barely walk now. Every day, I would walk for a sometimes inside my room with mom, aunt or Sam by my side. It's like starting all over again. But I was healing faster than expected and I felt good.

As the assignments were over in our college, we had been given our semester holidays. Thankfully I could rest for some more days without the pressure to go to college. I wished I should be perfectly alright before my college starts.

Mithra and Sakshi had left to their hometown after they were very sure about my health. Yet they would video call me now and then to check on me. They not only call me to see me but also to take ugly screenshots of me sleeping like an age-old giant and threatening me to expose these pictures on my birthday. How rude!! Santhosh came home almost every day and stayed till evening. Ahh!! I almost forgot to tell you about Santhosh and Sakshi. They are doing really great. Once I gained consciousness, I apologized to them for not showing up on their big day. They were really happy together. They understood each other so much and started to work with their differences. And, of course, this was the first time they are staying away from each other. It was pretty hard for both of them, but they tackled it brilliantly. I believe distance makes relationships stronger. The missing feel is beyond words. You would be in two different places yet your thoughts will cling to that one person. No matter what you do, your mind always has a tab opened with their thoughts. That's a pleasant pain everyone should experience.

This mostly remembered me of Sam. I thought what I might be doing if I had reached home safely. Without a doubt, I would be thinking about him each second or I would have ended up coming back in a day or two. How crazy could I get? His thought came with an edge of sadness. His words ring in my ears for so long. 'If she had such feelings for me, it would be better to stay away from her forever'. It was like a warning to me. Though I was happy that I might have a chance to confess my love, as he has now turned down Nandhini's proposal, my happiness flew away immediately knowing that it comes with a death alert. I might end up like Nandhini. I am sure I couldn't survive with that. I could live with what I have with Sam. I couldn't risk it by confessing my love.

For the whole time, Sam never left my side. He stayed in my room throughout except the time I was medicated to sleep. He sang songs for me whenever I asked for, he played guitar, he fed me food at times when mom and aunt were busy and whatnot, he even read me stories at night as my hand couldn't hold a book in a posture for so long. How could someone be everything that you need? He was like a limited edition human send for exclusively lucky people, which is definitely not me. The girl who is going to be his girl should be the luckiest girl on earth. At least I was lucky enough to be by his side and be a part of his life. I was happy for that.

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