I Am In Love With Her

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Lia's Pov:

I was on my way to the canteen during my break to meet Harshad. I got a message from him this morning asking me to meet him at the break. He was seated in a chair all alone waiting for me.

"Hey Hi", I greeted him.

"Hii, How are you?", he asked me.

"I am good. Why did you ask me to meet?"

"Yeah, I was about to say that. Actually, I missed you so much yesterday. I haven't missed someone just because I didn't see them for a day. It was so different for me", he said.

'Ah! Ah! Where is this conversation heading to?', I asked myself.

"Oh. My parents came home, so I thought of staying with them"

"Yeah, Mithra told me"

"Oh", I said plainly. I don't want to continue this conversation any longer.

"Can I ask you something?", he asked me.

"Okay", I said hesitated.

"If Sam asked you to stop talking to me, what would you do?", he asked me searching deep into my eyes for answers.

"Why would you ask such a question?", I asked him surprised.

"I know it's a hypothetical question, but just answer whatever comes to your mind"

"No, it's not a hypothetical question. If Sam asks me to stop talking to you, I would obey it. It's not just you, it might be anyone. But I am sure that if Sam asks me to do something, it might be hard at that moment, but he does it for my betterment and my happiness. I am very sure about that. I might not know the reasons now, but he knows what is good for me and what is not. So I could blindly obey him", I said confidently.

My answer visibly worried him. I felt a little guilty that my answer might have hurt him. But I am not guilty of telling him the truth. Moreover, he asked me to speak whatever in my mind and I did the same.

"I am sorry if my answer hurt you, but you should know the truth. You should also know that Sam don't ask me to stop talking to someone without any reasons. If you are good to me, he has no problem with you being a friend of mine. I am sure, you would never give him a reason to make me stop talking to you", I said.

Now, he had a smile in his face. I hope I made it clear to him. I don't want to hurt him, but he is coming up with this kind of ridiculous questions and getting himself hurt.

"Okay. I totally get it. I was wondering the whole day, what if someone planned to create a conflict between us? What if someone told ill about me just to separate us? I couldn't tolerate a day without talking to you. If we stopped talking to each other I can't bear that distance. That's why I asked you this"

"Wait a minute. Why did you involve Sam in this? Do you think Sam would try to create a problem between us?", I was annoyed a little. Why would Sam do something like that? I felt he is accusing Sam of something he would never do.

 Why would Sam do something like that? I felt he is accusing Sam of something he would never do

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