Why Today?

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Sam's Pov:

After exams, I could finally spend some time with Lia. Today I have to confront her about her bad mood. She kept pretending to be happy around me. But I knew she was hurt and wounded. I shouldn't have let her suffer for so long. I should have made a serious step to cheer her up but she was so stubborn to tell me. Today, no matter how hard she tries, I am going to extract the truth from her. I am going to solve all her problems and make her happy.

My phone rang. It was Santhosh. I suddenly remembered that today was a very important day for him. He has planned to propose Sakshi. For the past weeks, they had so much time together as we all sat together to prepare for our exams. My home turned into a mini hotspot of love. Me, as always adoring Lia and Santhosh having his best time with Sakshi. I am sure that Sakshi was falling for Santhosh and he began to feel the same. So without any delay, he decided to propose her.

As the exams are over, Santhosh asked Mithra to secretly bring her to a café where he has planned out everything for her. We were supposed to be there but unfortunately, Lia wasn't feeling well. She was so much disturbed when I met her after college. She was totally down and lost. I couldn't bear to see her so broken. What has happened to her? Normally, she would always end up saying anything bothers her but it's almost 2 weeks and she never gave me a clue. I feel frustrated of being helpless.

I forced her to come home and take rest instead of the surprise visit to café. She argued but she was too weak to fight for it. So she gave up and came with me to take some rest. And I am waiting for her to wake up from her sleep to make her say everything that's bothering her.

"Hiiiii, Sammmm", Santhosh squealed from the other end as I attended the call. His enthusiasm says it all. Sakshi must have accepted his proposal. I jumped off the bed in happiness.

"I am soooo happy for you man. I just hope this happiness last forever", I squealed in joy.

"Can you believe it? She said yes!! Oh my God, I wish you were here. I am going to cry", his voice conveyed how happy he was. I missed the moment. Finally, his pain has ended. He deserves to be happy and from now on, he will be happy.

"Take care of her Santhosh. I know, I don't have to tell you that but don't miss her at any cost", I said.

"I will never miss her", he said.

"I think it's time to propose Lia", he added.

"No Santhosh. She is stuck in something. She is refusing to come out of it. Even today, I saw her crying while coming back home. When I asked her what the problem was, she refused to speak a word. She was so depressed today. I think Harshad has something to do with this. Anyways, I am not going to let her be in peace until she says what's the problem is"

"Yeah, she looked devastated. But hurry up, Sam. You shouldn't worry after it's too late", Santhosh said. It felt so strange when he said that.

"Where will she disappear? She will be here forever. Don't worry, I will tell her in the right time", I said.

"Good", he said.

"Okay, now go and spend time with Sakshi. She needs you", I said and ended the call.

While I ended the call, I saw a few missed calls from Nandhini. We became closer in this past few days. She would call me most of the time and she spoke about everything she did the whole day. But I don't remember anything she said as my mind would always wonder about what Lia was worrying about. But on the whole, she was still the same caring Nandhini who was always sweet, the girl I once liked. That made me hard to cut her off so abruptly.

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