Chapter 18

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Khun's Pov

    "So," I yawned, trying to continue my train of thought. It wasn't working.. "Hmm..?" Bam's dazed hums sang through the phone.

    I stared desperately at my laptop, cobalt orbs searching for the answer within our slides. We had been working on the project for hours on end and were practically finished.

    We would need to go through the slides tomorrow, well no, later today in the search for grammatical errors. Which would be a ton since the two of us are half awake as it is. "Ah.. ugh.. I don't remember.. The words and slides are all jumbled.."

     Falling back onto my pillow, my back sank into my sheets. An aching pressure in my back had relived itself, my limbs practically melting at the contact of my mattress.

   Propping up my phone against my ear, I spoke into my phone in a hushed manner.. "I'm tired.. but there's still work.." Sighing, I brought my blankets just below my chin. It was getting chilly with the seasons changing and the sun setting quicker.

    He hummed in agreement, "still.." a yawn passed Bam's lips, "We got to relax and sleep at one point.." Shuffling could be heard from the other side.

    "what are you doing?" I questioned, my breathing becoming more and more shallow as I was on the cusp of falling sleeping.

    He huffed, practically whining, "I'm getting under my blankets, it's cold." I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me.

   My eyelids that had been threatening to fall for the past hour had finally closed. Remember the work once again, I tried to conscious but I failed, myself quickly falling asleep. ..I got to sleep and relax at one point.


    Groggy and tired, I lifted my head; my laptop still opened but turned off. "What the hell.." I kicked off my heavy comforter, my laptop going down with it. "Fuck me.." Groans bubbled in my throat.  What had happened again last night?

    "Khun, it's a bit early for that don't cha think? I'm not apposed.." A yawn soon followed the voice.

    ..Wait.. what? A voice? I turned to see my phone on my pillow. Every event from last night had flooded my memories.. oh. Oh! Swiftly, I reached for my phone.

    My face was beet red as I held the phone to my ear. Trying to control my breathing, I began to speak. "I kicked my laptop off my bed, I- oh my god.. Bam I- seriously..?" My chest bubbled with embarrassment and anxiety as I moved towards my dresser.

    Quickly stripping off my pj's, I threw on a pair of black jeans and a white button-up, and a soft yellow sweater over it. His giggles filled my ears like sweet music. I was glad he couldn't see the smile that grew on my face at the sound.

    I tucked my phone in the crook of my neck, using my shoulder to keep it up as I threw on my pair of shoes.

   "Are you almost ready yet? I'm almost out of my house, we can walk together if you'd like.." I softly hummed, "Yeah.. I'm almost ready." I pushed all of my hair out of my face, examining myself through the mirror on my wall. No bruises or cuts were visible.. I think I can slip by without any makeup today..

    I snatched my blue bandana in my hand, definitely not recalling Bam complimenting me on how he liked my hair up; and with not remembering, I gathered all of my hair up, throwing it in a small ponytail.

    With soft footsteps, I swiftly made my way down the stairs. And with a quick shut of the door, I had turned around to see Bam standing at the end of my driveway. I could already see his blinding smile from here.

    I went to move, slightly hesitating. My thoughts had set in once again..

  ..Why was he still here? Did I even want to meet his friends, make friends of my own? .. Did I even deserve it..? Looking at his eyes that were practically stars, I dismissed my thoughts.

   We all need to relax and enjoy ourselves at one point.. it can't hurt to try. I can just listen to Bam's words, just once. It can't truly hurt.. now can it?

    Taking off, I jogged towards Bam, meeting him at the end of my driveway. He smiled once again, before walking down the sidewalk with me trailing by his side. .. I can have a friend for a little, I think..

    I reached for my phone, popping in my earbuds in my ears as we continued walking side by side. A comfortable silence had sat between the two of us. We had been walked to school, the building was just insight at this point when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

    Taking out a single earbud I turned towards a smiling Bam, unknowingly, I cocked my head to the side. Giggles escaped his lips as he gestured towards my hair.

    "I just noticed you put your hair up again! I like it. You look handsome! You also have a nice jawline.." His once clear sentences had slowly become soft murmurs as he stared at me, keeping direct eye contact.

    I quickly broke it, shoving my head in my hands.. Handsome!? He was probably still delusional and delirious and just a straight out idiot. I grabbed his hand, just slightly tugging him along to break him out of his trance. 

    "B- .. Bam, let's just get to class.." The stutter in my voice was evident as I let go of his hand. I just wanted to keep my hand in his, linger just slightly longer. To feel his barely rough hand against mine.

    He shook his head nodding, before jogging to keep up with him. I just glared holes into the cement as I moved forward. I didn't need Bam to see my tomato-red face.

   It really would not help my conundrum. It really wouldn't, definitely wouldn't, help the quickened pace of my heartbeat or the butterflies in my stomach. Not my flushed crimson cheeks. It would fix absolutely none of it. It would only make it worse..

    So why did I hate.. but love the feeling..? I dragged my hands down my face groaning. I don't like any of this, it's confusing.

    Sighing, I had scampered into the school the bell ringing. We were going to be slightly late. Bam and I glanced at one another before picking up the pace. Jogging down the hallways, we were just about to make it when I had been body-slammed, me and some stranger tumbled to the floor.

     "I'm so sorry!"

The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Where stories live. Discover now