Chapter 14

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Khun's Pov

   Ok, one day of lunch done. Easy. Six more. It's fine everything is absolutely ok. All of my classes are finished and I'm free.. But my own curiosity couldn't help but slip onto my tongue.

   "H-hey Bam?" He continued in his tracks, his gaze locked onto mine. "Yes?" My mouth slightly pried open, no words escaping my lips. How.. hmm.. you started this you bastard, just spit it out.

   "I-.. I was just wondering if you were going home or to clubs, well since you mentioned you go to clubs.."

   With the sound of clubs he lightened up. "I do go to a few clubs actually! I do choir, theatre, speech/debate and then I'm also going to try out for a sport I think.. I believe Rak said to try out basketball? I just like to be generally involved around with the whole school.  Almost everyone is pretty nice when you get to know them.."

   Huh.. Oh god, he's selfless and involves himself within school activities. He's like that one popular guy that everyone likes.. That one person you just can't hate even just a tiny bit.. And of course he involves himself with me, his exact opposite. Amazing.

   "Oh, that's cool. Uh, do you have a club today..?" He nodded, a smile plastered on his face.

   "Yup! Today I have theater with Endorsi and Anak." I cocked my head, my eyebrow perked up. "I thought Anak was more quiet..? Well that doesn't mean she wouldn't go on stage but I didn't think that she would.."
   He shook his hands in the air, taking another turn. "No, heh she really isn't, that would be fun to see. But she has worked with the lights and art for four years. She's very talented at painting and drawing. The backdrops always look amazing and the lights are always spot on!"

   He came to a stop, I removed my gaze from him, seeing that we had already arrived at the auditorium. I- we had already walked the whole way here..? I could feel my face to heat up.. w-well just slightly.. it couldn't have been that noticeable.

   "Thanks for walking me here! We should do this more often, I had fun!" He shot me a soft smile that didn't help my heart rate nor the heat in my cheeks.  "Uh.. I guess? It doesn't hurt anything.."

   It only will help me waste more time before I get home. But with that sentence if it was even possible, his smile haf grown even more. With a quick goodbye and wave he disappeared.

   I turned away from the doors, stuffing my hands into my pockets. I took quick turns down each of the hallways, speed walking out of the school building doors.

   A chilly breeze slapped my face, the smell of newly cut grass filling my sinuses. I continued forwarded, scampering of the schools campus, heading towards home.

  Only one thought filled my head.. How am I supposed to make it one week without wanting to stay by his side?

   His smile already sends me over the moon, he's just so cheery. He just admits genuine happiness. It's hard not to be attracted to. Everyone does yearn for what they don't have.

   All the way from simple objects to physical features to emotions.. its almost sad how much I eternally want happiness, even friends. Not that I'd admit, even admitting to myself is a mess..

   My feet scuffed on the hard cement, water droplets sliding down my cheeks, the rapping pellets repeativedly colliding onto the ground and my head. With a longer strides, I fastened my pace, lessening the time it took me to get home.

   Minutes after mintues passed and eventually I had arrived home. With a swift opening and closing of the door, I stood at the front door for a few seconds, and with a quick analysis I understood that no one was going to catch me.

The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Where stories live. Discover now