Chapter 9

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Khun's Pov

   Yesterday was fairly ok, well good as it could be with having torn up feet and it also being the first day of school. But today, ah, today was already a shit show. And the only thing that I had done today was open my eyes. Open my eyes only to hear thunderous banging on my door. To open my eyes to see the bright crimson numbers blaring onto my face, '6:00.'

   I had left no time left, for he was awake. There was only one person who would be this loud this early at my door, it was him. I gritted my teeth as I scurried out of my bed, my bandaged feet colliding onto the harsh ground.

   My shaking hand reached for the handle, quickly opening the door only to be greeted with a deafening slap.

    The ear-splitting slap had much force as it made me stumble, practically collapsing to the floor. The sound echoed throughout the hallway.. My cheek stung with a enormous amount of pain. ..This one was sure to leave a prominent mark. And I could already feel his piercing gaze into the back of my head as I was slightly bowed over.

   Now, that's what a call a shitty start to the day.

   "What is it that you need father?" My stomach twisted and flipped with each word. I really just ached for my mother to come back home. .. As if that was possible.. I wish.

   "How dare you speak to me like that? And mingle with that woman last night? I saw her come out of her room. You really are a whore, a nasty slut." His voice echoed throughout my ears as every word he spoke dripped with venom.

   His hand gripped onto my jaw, yanking it upwards so that we made eye contact. And his piercing gaze that I felt before was a hundred times worst as he looked into my eyes.

   His oh so similar cobalt eyes dug into mine, as if they were trying to pierce my soul. As if he need to shatter every part of me. It disgusted me how much I looked like him. While it was disgusting.. It- ..It mostly scared me.

   His sharp nails dug deeper into my jawline and porcelain skin until he finally let go, harshly whipping my already fragile body to the freezing wooden flooring. I could already feel blood dripping down my jaw and neck from the small cuts, more bruises forming at my bloody jawline.

   "Your not going to school today. Don't even think about it. But, do get me a bottle or two of wine. If you don't complete this small arrand, prepare for punishment." And with his last words, he slammed my door shut. I didn't move a inch until I could no longer hear his footsteps stomping down the silent hallway.

   "great.. just, amazing." I murmured, hauling myself from off the ground. My feet slipped a bit as I tried to stand, but eventually I stood straight up, shaking incredibly. I comfort a scared and nervous lady, and now I have to some what clean myself up and go buy alcohol. And if I don't soon, I'll be getting a awful beating. And I can't miss two days of school.

   Just how much better could it get?

   With each staggering step and breath, I reached for the door handle, just barely opening the door. No one in the hallway. Definitely not after dad's fit. I sighed, escaping to the bathroom once again.

   With my trusty box of bandages and makeup, I patched myself up, making myself look somewhat presentable. Well, with bandaids and bandages littering my jaw and my cheek. .. As presentable as I could get.

   And with that I snuck back into my room, changing into a thick gray hoodie and a pair of washed out jeans. I just needed to be able to make it to the store and back. I reached for my shoes, flinching and wincing when slipping on my socks and shoes. And with slipping my hair into a ponytail, I was ready.

   Steadily and silently, I treaded downstairs. Skipping breakfast, I slipped out the door, walking down the sidewalk. My shoes collided with the paved sidewalks as I deliberately avoid in crack in the sidewalk. I was lost in my thoughts only to be snapped out of it as I heard my name..? My name?

   "Mr. Khun?!" I whipped my head up, eyes bulging to see a certain chestnut haired male smiling brilliantly at me. Fuck. I tried to turn my head so he couldn't see any of the bandages. He already saw my feet, and now my jaw? I can't let him get any ideas..

   He quickly caught up to me, treading by my side. I continuously avoided eye contact, burning holes into the cement. "Mr. Khun?" I just barely titled my head upwards, making eye contact. His bright smile and radiant eyes shown bright, "I like the ponytail, it's cute!"

   I could feel my face heat up, I felt beet red. That's it. This is to much affection. Nope. I picked up my pace, matching forwards. "Nope." I could here little giggles behind me. "Mr. Khun! Please don't go, it was just a compliment!"

   I didn't notice the miniscule small that made its way onto my face as I turned around. "Well, .. how am I supposed to.." I waved my hands around, gesturing towards air. Jesus, I probably looked, looked so stupid.

   I examined Bam's face, and he was still smiling, his bright smile enveloping his face. And his eyes looked like amber stars. Shoot. He's probably judging me so much right now.. I stopped mid hand gesture, bringing my hands down to my sides. With a deep breath, I continued forward with Bam besides me.

   "Mr. Khun?" I glanced at Bam, his head slightly titled as he looked at the baby blue sky littered with whimsical clouds. It was.. cute. ..Again? Nope. Shut up. Just stop. I mentally slapped myself before looking forward. "Khun's fine. What's up?" He was silent for a minute, as if he was having a hard time looking for the right words. As we continued to walk side by side, he eventually spoke. "What happened to your face?"

   My breath hitched, but only for a moment. "I got in a gang fight, you should see the other guys though.." I heard a gasp before seeing a concerned face staring at me. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Small shorts and breathy laughs escaped my lips. Naive and gullible. Adorable. Well, not adorable. But- eh. Just- ..nevermind.

    "I didn't actually get in a gang fight, I just slammed my jaw into the pavement. I'm fine, really." I could feel his gaze on me as we continued forward. A short huff escaped his lips as he dragged his feet. "Your such a clutz." What? What did he- "First your feet, then your jaw. You got to be more careful. "

   Ah, shit. Please don't catch on.. "Can you make sure to be more careful?" I nodded, putting on the biggest smile I could muster. Even if it was fake, whatever works. "I'll try." He shook his head in triumph, marching forward with pride.

   "Good! Now, we got to get to school! We don't want to be late!" Fuck. I totally blanked. In and out of my mind. Ugh, he got me distracted.

   "Ah, Bam?" He turned his head just barely titled. "I actually have to go run a quick errand for my dad this morning. I'll see you later, 'kay?" He smiled, unaware of the situation at hand. "See you later Mr. Khun!" He happily pranced down the sidewalk, making his way towards the school.

   And suddenly it felt like the weight of the world was on more shoulder once again. The light talk was gone, and I was alone. No more liveliness, just me. I sighed, running a hand through my bangs as he slowly disappeared into the distance. I'm sorry. I didn't want to lie. .. But I couldn't tell you the truth.

   I dragged my feet, not caring as I stepped on the cracks, staring straight ahead. Making my way to the store, I stopped by no one, just continuing forward by myself. As always, alone.

   With every paced step, I came closer and closer to the store. Alone. I gritted my teeth as I came in contact with the freezing handle, swinging the flimsy door wide open.

   Down and down the isles, only to grab bottles of wine. I eventually snatched two bottles of wine, making my way to the counter. I slid them onto the counter, the lady I usually went to scanned them, handing them back to me in a paper bag. I gave her some cash, slipping right back out of the store.

   That place has always been sketchy and that lady never cared enough the card me. She really probably only there to make extra cash. I don't blame her. But she should do a better job and not let a seventeen year old walk away with two bottles of wine. But whatever, at least father won't be to mad..

   With a sigh, I was off, heading back towards home.

The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora