Chapter 8

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Khun's Pov

"Why are you being suspiciously nice?"

  I could hear a small snort from the other side of the phone. I could make out a few other giggles before hearing a deep breath. I was genuinely concerned though. He was incredibly nice. Why would he care if I wasn't ok with being in the phone?

   "Are you like a test experiment? Have you been kidnapped by an evil organization? .. Are you mental? Please tell me that I don't have a mental partner.." More giggles erupted from the other side of the phone, and it kept egging me on. His laugh.. I don't know. I don't even want to admit it.. But, it was kind of cute..?

   "N-no.. I'm not an experiment, kidnapped nor mental. Your all good. I was just asking if you knew you still my number so we could use it for the project to call or if we needed to meet up."

   I couldn't help but snicker. This guy was so nice, it was weird. He's either incredibly naive or.. I don't know. He was definitely naive. But kind, it was weird.. Huh. Was he an outlier in today's society? Or.. Is he just trying to break down my walls only to destroy me? But, why me? Either way, this boy is weird.

   "Ok, I just wanted to make sure you weren't a experiment, mental, or kidnapped." I sighed, laying down. Now that that's over, how am I going to end the phone call? I'd prefer not to be rude to him since he is being considerate.. Ugh.. He keeps messing with me. I don't know how I feel about it..

   "Well, I got to go. I don't want to keep you on the call. I still got to have dinner." He slightly paused before continuing. "Also, you seem like one of those people that overwork themselves, so take a break for the night. See ya later.." The call ended, my phone still pressed against my ear.

   What? He even cares for my well-being? Jesus christ, who is this boy? If he's pretending, I'm convinced. If not, he's definitely from a different world.

   I took a deep breath before following his orders, slipping my laptop back into my bag. I tossed the wrapper of my sandwich into the garbage bin, placing my bag onto the floor.

   It was currently 6:30, and I definitely wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I slipped out from underneath my covers, sauntering towards my keyboard that was set up against my wall.

  Back when Mom was still here, I'd play for her and dad a lot. Even sometimes for my siblings. She always urged me to play, she'd show me off to every guest. We had a grand piano placed in the living room area, and she always some how mention how great her son was at playing and get me to play.

   Her smile and pride about me was my motivation, and still is. But with her gone,  father thinks the noise is annoying and threatened to burn my keyboard and all my music. He already moved the grand piano into the basement, as much as he hated it, he couldn't get rid of something that was mom's.

   So I just plug in a pair of headphones and make sure father can't hear it whatsoever. It brings back to many painful memories for him, it's reasonable. The lost of a loved one, it hits hard. .. It can make you do.. Crazy things.

   I slipped down onto my chair, headphones placed on my head, keeping one off of one of my ears. My fingers steadied on the keys. Slowly I began to play a improvised piece, with left hand jumps, repeatedly hitting a few keys, making my own small melody. It was nothing special, nothing crazy, just a small warm up. The small melody ended quickly. I took a little pause before I began to play an actual piece, Breathin'.

The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Where stories live. Discover now