Chapter 21

510 37 26

Khun's Pov.

Ok, so I was all excited to go see Bam's friends and go to the mall, which makes me seem like a forsaken loser, which I am not.

But, that's beside the point.

I am not excited anymore.

Not at all. Whatsoever.

I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to people today.

What's even the appeal of friends? Of the mall?

Literally nothing. It's useless. All of it.

I might as well stay home today. Would he... Would he try and find me though?

My hairbrush ceased as I brushed through my maya locks.

Bam lived next door to me. He wouldn't come to find me. He isn't that stubborn.

... I don't think?

Would he text me?

No. No, no, no. He isn't that stubborn. He especially isn't stubborn enough to text me if I don't go to school in hopes of me still going to the mall afterwards. He doesn't want to be my friend that bad. Not at all. He's just being nice.

Would... Father even let me skip?


I don't want to be home alone with him all day. I'm not willing to sacrifice my movement and functioning body simply because I would be meeting new people. More specifically, possible friends.

It isn't even certain if they are to even be deemed possible friends.

...Why would I even debate skipping in the first place? I don't want to be with father all day.

I wouldn't actually skip.

.... Would I?

Nope. I'm not a loser. Not at all. Yeah, fuck that. I'm not a loser, I'm going to school.

... mmmm. Ugh.

My hands lugged down my face. I stared at my face. Exasperated cobalt eyes stared back at me.

Maybe am I a loser. Just a little. People aren't.. Well, I was going to say scary but that's debatable.

Fumbling with my phone, I tapped on Bam's contact. A pictureless icon stared back, 'Bam' printed underneath it.

So stupid. I reached for my bandana, slipping my hair into a small bun.

He's stupid. My backpack slipped across my shoulders.

The whole thing is stupid. My fingers nimbly worked at my shoelaces.

I think the whole idea of friends is stupid. My hand grasped at my phone, threatening the whole thing to shatter.

How stupid. All of it. Yet, here I am. Getting ready. Going to see them. My heart, even a little happy. I sighed, exasperated with myself.

How stupid I am.

My silent steps carried me down the stairs. I should go back to bed.

My hand closed the front door as quickly and quietly as I opened it. My bed is definitely a lot more comfortable.

My sloppy steps made me reach the end of my driveway, to have amber irises staring at me with glee. How stupidly kind his smile is. The fact it reaches his eyes so evidently.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

How... charming.

Or stupid.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora