Chapter 15

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Khun's Pov

Ok, the start of day three. Can't go to bad. We're halfway through the week, no slip ups. My thumb gently caressed the bandage that was covering my jaw. Thankfully most of my hair covered it, but he's observant. Hopefully he won't get any ideas..

I slowly, but eventually made it to homeroom, the pleasant chatter of Shibisu and Bam filled my ears as I listened along, not making any advancement to speak. Just listening, observing. That was what I was good at.

Hansung just typed away at his computer sipping at his coffee. Again. I had just assumed at this point that was how he worked and went along with it.

Again, slowly, I made it from class to class, my somewhat existing effort slowly decreasing as the day trudged forward. The aching of my limbs and the agony that resonated in my knee not even to mention my exhaustion was swiftly catching up.

I should've gotten more sleep instead of staying up all night doing homework after a fucking awful beating.. Regret swirled in my thoughts. My eyes were dead seat at lunch by the end of first period.

Evankhell's class was even more dreadful with exhaustion weighing down my eyes, my head spinning with each equation. Pure resentment bottled up within me the whole class. I was getting sick of her teaching methods, and fast.

English was.. decent, and the History project was going ok. Expect I was probably going to have to work on some of it after school if I was still awake by then.. at this point Bam probably noticed my behavior. Sighs filled my lips.

And after the lengthy and dreadful school day I had only made it into the music room before I collapsed. My body had given up on me and I didn't even have the energy to open my bag.

Sleep threatened my eyes and darkness soon consumed my thoughts, myself falling into a sleepy daze.


I don't know how long I had passed out for but I soon I could feel my consciousness waking back up, my thoughts coming back together. But something was off. .. Hushed murmurs could be heard around me?

"Is the blue turtle is dead!?" A small chuckle escaped someone's lips before they got interrupted. It sounded like they got nailed on the head, "Shibisu, shut up. Don't egg on the stupid alligator. And he's not dead, Bam said he had a pulse."

"I think he's sleeping? I just didn't know what to do.. That's why I got you guys. We could either wake him up, or we could bring him home? He's right the around corner from my house..?"

I opened my eyes, not wanting to be taken home. They couldn't meet my dad. Whatsoever. Six pairs of eyes looked at curiously, one pair of eyes looked relieved. "BLUE TURTLE HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!" A incredibly tall, darker skin toned male belted, looking at me with intent.

I flinched at the loud noise, trying to stand up. My legs, not cooperating along with my mind, I collapsed back onto the floor. Staring dead straight on my legs, I had forgotten till now about my still torn up feet and the new sprained knee.

The pain had become familiar, the exhaustion and agony had become so frequent I could forget about a injury. It took everything I had not to laugh. Living life is misery, what better way to spend it!

I grabbed for my bag, using all of the strength I had in my arms to push myself off the ground. With shaky arms and legs I tried to stay standing, taking in the new faces. As much as I wanted to run, I was in no condition to even move. That bastard..

"Khun, I think you should sit down. I'll call my uncle, he should be able to pick us up and we can drop you off.." Worry was evident in his voice. I gritted my teeth, trying not to yelp. "you know I'm just being a burden, I've made it home with much worse.."

"Khun" His voice was soft, "what happened?" What, am I supposed to say. 'I got slide slammed into a desk, and a bottle thrown at me, and in a dumb moment, I decided to suddenly twist my leg in attempt to dogde the bottle. I mostly dodged it, but a shard engraved into my knee, and in both of those swift moments, I may have just accidently overstreched or torn a ligament in my knee.'

"..." I shifted onto my decent leg, trying to ease the pain a little bit. The compression on my knee was holding up, but my knee definitely was not stablized. I slid back down onto the floor, letting my legs spread out.

"I accidently twisted my leg in a weird way during a fight and messed up my knee.. that's it." There was a sharpness to my voice, but I couldn't help it. Everything was getting to my head and I just wanted it all to go away.. "I'm going to call my uncle, no arguing. We'll get you home safely." Bam spoke, not a single word wavering. I nodded slightly, deciding that he wasn't going to stop till he got what he wanted. Stubborn..

Bam sat on the floor, motioning for the six others to sit down as well. I pulled in my legs, but not daring to bend my right knee. We all sat in a circle, as if we were in kindergarten, all glancing at one another.

Right before Bam had called his uncle, he motioned for everyone to introduce themselves. The first one to speak, well more like yell, was the man who had belted in my face earlier, calling me a turtle..

"I'm The Mighty Rak, I'm team leader here.." He crossed his arms, shaking his head in triumph. So he's fairly annoying.. and just before I could tear my vision away, another person began to but in.

"Endorsi Jahad, prettiest and most popular girl you'll find in the school." It seemed as if she was trying to lace her voice with honey, only for her to sound like a screech owl. Of course, a daughter of Jahad. What should I have even expected. He always was cocky.

I quickly averted my vision, looking towards a more stoic black haired male with his arms crossed. He more grunted than spoke but I could still here a small "Hatz.."

Who I assumed was Anak had already pulled out a sketchbook, a bandaid was stuck on her nose and a few scratches littering her face. She didn't even try to introduce herself, but I didn't mind. I wouldn't and don't want to either.

I turned my head again going around the circle to see Shibisu smiling like a maniac and gesturing towards a man passed out on the floor. "Glad to see your up Khun! And this is our last 'member', Lauroe. He sleeps a lot!"

I nodded, propping myself up against the wall, fixing my posture. I fixed the positioning of my knee, relaxing slightly.

"I'm Khun."

|I know its a day early, but Happy Halloween! I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, and has/had a amazing day! <3|

The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Where stories live. Discover now