Chapter 13

625 62 13

Khun's Pov

   I fingers shook on the keys and with a deep breath I began to play. With slow and light taps on the keys, I began to play a mellow and soft melody. I didn't even notice the sway of my body or the growing persistence to hit each key.

   I wasn't focusing on the aching and abrupt pain encasing my body. All there was, was a sweet melody. I began slow down once again, repeating the introduction starter.

   I continued on, fastening up the pace. My fingers were practically moving on there own as I created a whole new world with the slightest tap of the keys. I was in my very own escape.

   Eventually, in no time, the piece had ended, ending with a sweet, mellow tempo. I peeled my fingers off the keys, tracing the hem of my sweatshirts fabric.

   I turned back around to see the chestnut haired male with stray tears falling down his face the corner of his lips curving upwards.

   With a jolt, I stumbled off the piano stool. Shoot, wait did I do this time? Was it really that bad? I thought it was decent this time too.. So much for positivity.

   "B-bam? Are you ok?" He nodded his head repeatedly while erasing his tears. Huh? "That was just a really beautiful piece, and it is you!" He jabbed his finger at my chest. It is me? Well yeah, I am me..

   I shot him a questioning look, he just stuffed his hands into his pockets. "The piano player that I hear sometimes.." oh. Oh..

   "Surprise..?" Bam chuckled, cleaning up his bento. I whipped my head towards the clock, showing only ten mintues left.

   I swiftly ate my food, using my manners, and with ease finished up. Once all of my food was chocked down, I turned back towards Bam who had cleaned up and was sitting next to me.

   Uh.. What now? He knows I play piano, lunch is almost done, so what do we talk about now? Are we even supposed to talk, or..?

   "So.. did, you enjoy lunch..?" The hesitance in my voice was as clear as day. Bam whipped his head towards me, apologetic look on his face. "It was actually pretty good! The savory and sweet flavors blended nicely together.. How was yours?"

    "Mine was fine.. I also have a question.." It had been bothering me since the beginning and now is a better time then ever. He nodded, just ever so slightly titling his head. My stomach was in flurry butI tried to ignore it, occupying myself with my question.

   "Uh, I was wondering about your friend group I guess? Since I may or may not be sitting with you.. Still undecided.. don't expect to much.." Bam nodded, a smile creeping onto his face as if he already knew my reply.

   "Well you already met Shibisu, I guess you was his partner for a project? So you got the general idea of him.. There's  Rak, he's not the brightest but he makes up for it with he's determination and kindness.. Talkative as well. There's Endorsi, you probably heard about her?"

   He turned towards me, a eyebrow raised. I shook my head, if she wasn't important or effected my life I didn't acknowledge her. There was no point if I struggle to make it through everyday. No point in getting caught up in other peoples stuff.. Plus she sounds like one of those popular brats if everyone knows her name. I don't try and get involved with brats.

   "Well she's more popular, she's very pretty as well. She is the last one of the chatterboxes of our group. Umm.. She is very dedicated to her friends and goes out of her way to help them. Well, most of them.. Only a few, maybe two..? Well she- she just has obvious favorites.."

   A soft sigh escaped my lips, a smile plastered on my face. Sounds like a handful.

   "Then there's are the more quiet ones, Anak, Hatz and Lauroe. Anak is very kind but a bit arguementive with Endorsi, well them being sisters and all.  Lauroe is definitely more lazy, he likes keeps a blanket and pillow in his backpack so he can take a nap really anywhere. Then there's Hatz, he is very close minded and a determined person. A bit argument when it comes to it too.." 

   His gaze lifted off the floor, landing on the ceiling lights. A small smile peeked out on the edges of his lips. "But together we make it work, all great friends. Kind of like a big family. When things go wrong we lean onto one another. Even if someone gets in a petty argument, we all agree in the end.. So!"

   In a abrupt motion, he stood, his arm and hand extended outwards. I scrambled onto my feet, my hands by my sides. "Even if you decided to not sit with us, you can always lean on us. On me, always here no matter what! Being alone isn't fun, we all know how it feels. So, let's shake on it. We'll always be a support system, I'll always be a friend!"

   Eh? A friend? Without even thinking about it, my hand unconsciously slipped into his. With a quick shake, our hands left one anothers grasp and I already, w-well just barely started to miss the warmth of his hand..

   Friends.. Weird.. "But isn't a little early to be friends? Its only just been a few days." He shrugged, throwing his arms in the air. "Welp, to late! We already shook on it! Your just going to have to deal with it."

    A small chuckled passed my lips, as I bent down, grabbing my bento. Bam had scooped his own up, and with that, the bell had rung. Our lunch break was over.. and I- I had made a friend.. and one of the very walls I had built around myself had a crack in it.


The Boy With Silence for Words |Bam x Khun|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat