{yelling at his mom when she disrespects your child.}

Start from the beginning

"Y/n." Mr. Jeon smiled. He opened his arms to hug me and I happily hugged him.

"Wah, it's been so long," I said breaking the hug.

"Too long. Oh um, should we head inside?" He asked. I nodded and held Jihyuns hand as we walked inside.

Time skip:

Ever since we got here Jungkook's mom has been ignoring Jihyun's and my presence. She refused to talk or give a hug to Jihyun. It made me upset that she was acting this way but I kept quiet.

"Grandma this is good food you made," Jihyun said as he stuffed his face with the food.

"Yah Y/n didn't you show your kid manners?" Mrs. Jeon said pointing her spoon at Jihyun's face that had food all around his lips.

"I guess he must really like your food." I painfully smiled before taking a napkin and whipping his mouth off.

"Excuses, excuses." Mrs. Jeon said earning a nudge from Mr. Jeon.

"Mommy I have to go to the bathroom," Jihyun said wobbling in his chair.

"Okay come on," I said helping him off his chair.

Time skip:

"Come on let's wash your hands," I said to Jihyun.

I turned on the water and made sure it was warm before lifting Jihyun up so he could wash his hands.

After he was done washing his hands and drying them we started to walk back to the table. I heard Mrs. Jeon say mean things about Jihyun that weren't true and Jungkook trying to convenience her otherwise.

Jihyun started to cry catching everyone's attention.

"How dare you? How can you say that bout your grandson? You should be ashamed. You may not like me but that doesn't mean you can disrespect my son." I spat.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" She said standing up from her chair. I picked Jihyun up and started to rock him gently. 

"No how dare you say these false things about him? He's 3 years old and you are bullying him. You're bulling a 3-year-old. You're really showing your true colors and it's not a good look." I said.

"Jungkook are you going to let her say these things to me?" She asked turning to Jungkook.

"She's right mom," Jungkook said and stood up to stand by me.

She turned to her husband. "Hey don't look at me." He said. She huffed and stomped away.

"Well, I should go after her. It was nice seeing you." Mr. Jeon said.

"Okay bye," I said and sighed.

I walked out the front door while trying to calm down Jihyun. Jungkook opened the car door and I buckled him in his car seat.

Jungkook got in the driver's seat and I got in the passenger's seat. "Who does she think she is? Ugh, she annoys me so much." I groaned.

"I know babe," Jungkook said. "We should go home." He sighed.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. I was a little rough with his mom so I would understand why he would be mad at me.

"No, I'm just disappointed with my mom." He said softly.

I hummed and looked at Jihyun peacefully sleeping with dried tears on his cheeks. I sighed and looked out the window as Jungkook started the car.

Time skip:

After Jungkook sent Jihyun to sleep he came in our room with a sad face. He laid in bed and looked at me. "What is it?" I asked.

"Do you think my mom will ever warm up to you guys?" He asked.

"Well maybe not me but hopefully Jihyun." I said. He nodded and pulled the duvets over him. I laid back and spooned him. "Y/n?" He mumbled softly.

"Yes?" I said while holding him tighter.

"You'll never leave me right?" 

"What type of question is that?" I asked. 

"Well my mom was just saying-" I cut him off.

"Jungkook, I'll always be here for you. Your mom can't get in the way of us. Okay?"

He nodded and kissed my hand that was hugging him. "Get some sleep okay? You've been up 7 am." Jungkook said.

"Okay." I said softly before yawning.

I'm bored so I'm making this it sucks but oh well nothing u can do about it 😙✌

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