{you cry on stage after the breakup.}

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"You're breaking up with me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"No you're not be-because you wouldn't have done it if you were sorry." I stuttered.

"Goodbye Y/n." He said before walking away.

I didn't let myself cry since I just got my makeup done and I had to be on stage in 5 minutes. I took a deep breath before going back to the dressing room.

Jungkook and I have been dating for 2 years and it was public. Some ARMY'S hated our relationship and sent me death threats while others supported us.

I looked at the tv that was in the dressing room and watched as Got7 won an award. I smiled and quietly clapped for them.

When they got off the stage and back to their seats it was time for me to go on stage. "Okay Y/n you're on." The staff member told me.

I walked on stage and got into position. When my music started the stage lights went on, making me visible to the crowd.

I was through half of the song I looked at Jungkook. One of the camera man's noticed and pointed their camera towards Jungkook.

I looked at him and he had a hint of sadness in his eyes. I began to tear up and eventually it got hard to sing.

I dropped to the ground and just cried, the crowd went silent. I stood up and ran off the stage.

"Y/n what's wrong?" My manager asked. 

"Ju-jungkook broke up with me." I cried harder in his arms. "I don't know wh-what I did wrong. I thought everything was going great." I said. Little did I know that my wireless mic was still on.

Jungkook's POV:

It broke my heart hearing her say those words. The truth is... is that she was getting so many death threats and it wasn't stopping.

Matter of fact, it got stronger. Some ARMY realized that I truly loved Y/n and our relationship was going to last which made them upset.

Someone even tried to attack Y/n at the airport yesterday. If anything happened to her then it was my fault.

I'm the one who pressured her to make our relationship public. She said she was scared to do it since she knows that ARMY is protective but I told her that I would protect her.

But yesterday when Y/n got hurt at the airport I knew that if someone just attacked her then something worse could happen.

Someone could seriously hurt her or even worse... kill her. That's why I broke it off. I couldn't risk losing the love of my life, my soulmate, my world.

Time skip: Author's POV:

It has been a week since their break up and Y/n has gotten more hate and death threats than any idol has ever had.

They told her that it was her fault that Jungkook broke up with her, she should die, they would kill her for not being a good girlfriend. 

She didn't even bother to get out of bed most days. The only time she would get out of bed is for food or taking a shower.

Y/n's POV:

I finished blow drying my hair and looked at my face. My once dark eye bags are now gone, that just proves how much sleep I have got since I took a break from being an idol.

I heard the doorbell ring so I made my way to the door while combing my hair with my fingers. When I opened the door I was shocked.

"Y/n, we need to talk." Jungkook said.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

"I want to tell you why."


"Yes." He said. I sighed and moved to the side to let him in. He walked in and went to the living room.

"So tell me." I said, sitting on the couch.

"I love you Y/n and I'm sorry." Just as I was about to speak he shushed me. "I did it to protect you from the death threats but they keep coming." He said.


"When you were at the airport you got hurt, I thought that since you managed to get hurt then something worse could happen but it seems as when I broke up with you it made everything worse. Now I know that whatever I do that you're going to get hate... so let's run away." He said

"Jungkook I can't do that. You're in a band, without you BTS isn't... BTS." I said.

"Me and the guys already have a plan but you just have to trust me. And I know that you're an idol as well but this is basically life or death." He said.

He's right, if I continue being an idol then there's a high chance of me getting killed. I sighed and nodded.

sorry but this is a oneshot so no pt 2 :D

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