{admitting to him that you were embarrassed to say the safe word.}

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Jungkook plopped down next to me. I didn't say anything and turned on my side, my back facing towards him.

I silently cried as my lower region felt very sore. You see the night before me and Jungkook had a very wild night. When I woke I was very sore.

So when Jungkook got intimate with me earlier I felt as if he was ruining my walls. It just hurt and didn't feel good. I wanted to say the safe word but I felt guilty.

Jungkook was really enjoying himself and I didn't want to ruin that for him.

I wiped my tear as Jungkook told me how good I felt to him.

"Y/n?" He called. He sighed when realizing I must have been asleep. "Sleep tight." He smiled.

Time skip:

I woke up, reaching for Jungkook but he wasn't there. Then I smelled food. Someone was cooking. I quickly threw Jungkook's large shirt over me as I began to limp.

"Oh you're up." Jungkook smiled. I just nodded and limped over to him. "Are you okay? Did I go to hard last night?" He asked.

I just stood still, not knowing what to say. Jungkook turned the stove off as he just finished cooking.

"I wanted to say the safe word." I said.

"H-huh?" He asked and faced towards me. "When?" He asked as tear threatened to leave my eyes.

"When we first started. But I didn't want to because I knew how much you were enjoying it. And then when w-we stopped all I could feel was p-pain." I cried and fell to the ground.

Jungkook felt dirty. He didn't even realize that she had stopped moaning after a while. And how she looked uncomfortable.

He felt bad that he was making love to her while she beared the pain. He couldn't imagine how hurt she must have felt.

I felt Jungkook's arm wrap around me. "I-I'm so sorry. I should have known." He apologized. "Let me make you a bath. Let's just cuddle all day." He suggested.

"O-ok." I sniffled.

Time skip:

Jungkook place his hand on my womanhood, not in a sexual way but in a way to some how make it feel better.

"I love you babe." He mumbled as his eyelids started to droop.

"I love you too koo~" I hummed.

He kissed my forehead before falling asleep. I sighed and pulled the blanket over me. "Goodnight my big baby."

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