{you transfer to your younger sisters school.}

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I'm Y/n aka 'the cold bitch.' My sister is Eunha aka 'the bubbliest girl alive.' I don't go to her school since I would just 'ruin her rep' says my mom but now I have to go to her school.

I got in another fight and they suspended me from school. I have been kicked out of all the high schools in my district because of fights.

Ever since my dad passed away my whole life flipped but my sister was just fine. My mom only stayed with my dad for his money and when he died my mom found someone else.

She always tells me I should be like my sister and how I'm so ungrateful for the things my step dad provides me but I couldn't care less.

Well that's what I would tell my friends but on the inside I'm broken. My bestfriend Jung Hoseok is the only thing that's keeping me from ruining my own life.

Weird that Hobi is the total opposite from me and we're best friends. Enough of that and now onto the story.

"Bye." I said coldly to the woman I was supposed to call mom before I closed the front door.

My sister had 3 cars, YES 3 CARS but because I'm 'disrespectful' I have to walk to school.

I was walking to school when a school bus was next to me waiting for the light to turn green and I was waiting to cross the road.

I looked at the driver and saw my old bus driver from 9th grade. I saw the doors open and my bus driver had a smile on her face. "Get in." I heard her say.

"Good morning miss Ashley." I said as I walked up the steps as students peaked their heads over the seat. "You switched schools?" I asked.

"Yes now hurry up and find a seat." She said as the bus started to move.

"Can I sit here?" I asked the guy who was sitting by himself. He just ignored me so I sat down.

"You got some balls for sitting next to him." Some 9th grader said to me. "He's known for beating up people he doesn't like." He said.

"So am I, now sit down, you know how miss Ashley can be." I said.

"Miss Ashley?" He questioned.

"I used to call her that when I was in 9th grade." I said.

"Oh really, I just call he-" He started.

"Boy if you don't shut up." I said earning a chuckle from the guy next to me. I didn't like to talk to new people and he was annoying... well in my eyes he was.

I pulled out my phone and started to listen to a podcast with my air pods in. I laughed a little at the jokes being told.

At school, passing period before lunch:

I was walking down the halls going to my locker when I saw a crowd of people in a circle. I pushed past the crowd and saw my sister hitting some girl.

My eyes were wide. Good girl wasn't so good after all. "Send that video to me." I said to the girl beside me who was filming.

I don't know how but since I walked through the halls of these school people were already following me on Instagram.

Before she could slap the girl I held her wrist. Her eyes went wide. "Y-y/n? She called out.

The students look confused by the interaction. "Mom is going to freak when she finds out what I saw today." I said and twisted her arm. She groaned.

"I'll do anything, just don't tell mom." She begged.

"No I'm good." I said and let go of her.

"Please." She begged and was on her knees.

"No." I said and started to walk away. The crowd watched as I walked away but something made me stop in my tracks.

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