☕️ || Day 5

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➳༻❀☕❀༺➳╔═════════════════╗DAY 5Jumin is writing

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Jumin is writing...
"Morning date..?"

"Why every damn morning the sun has to hit my beautiful eyes.." (Y/n) yawned and got up from her bed. She stretched herself before she went to the bathroom to wash and wear her clothes to college.

She walked up toward her desk and took a hairbrush to brush her hair. While brushing her hair, she received a text message.

"Good morning! I hope you have a nice day today."

It was a text from Akaashi, he sent her a morning text. (Y/n) smiled at the text and replied.

"Good morning Akaashi, I hope you have a nice day too!"

With a chuckle, she brushed her hair for one last time and checked herself in the mirror.

"Thanks! Did you have breakfast yet?"

Another message was sent from him.

"Not yet! I was planning to stop by at some café shop to have breakfast"

She replied to him again and looked at the clock. It was still early in the morning and Mayuki is probably still sleeping.

"If you don't mind, do you want to go have breakfast with me? I know one place that has a delicious breakfast every morning"

(Y/n) read the message and her face flushed red. "Morning date..?" She mumbled with a chuckle.

"Of course! Where do you want to meet up?"

Holding her phone in her hand, she took her bag and went out of her room.

"I'm already in front of your house"

She was surprised when she read the message, she hurriedly wears her shoes and got her keys before she walks out of the house. She stepped outside and saw Akaashi already standing in front of her gate.

"Woah, good morning Akaashi!" She chuckles at him and locked the house door and walk up toward him with a smile. "Good morning (Y/n)" He smiled. "Were you waiting long?" (Y/n) asked him as they both started walking together. "No, since you live near to my house so I didn't wait for long.." He said and she sighed in relief "I'm glad.." She chuckles.

"Anyways, where is the place that you said..?" (Y/n) asked him curiously while walking together to the place where Akaashi wants to have breakfast with her "It's not that far, it's near to my café shop.." He spoke to her and slightly chuckles. "Oh alright!" (Y/n) grinned.

"I have been wondering..do you want to go out on Saturday afternoon..?" He shyly and nervously asked as he was rubbing his hand. He finally asked her out. (Y/n)'s face flushed red again when she heard him asking her out. It was unexpected "O-Of course...I'm free anyway.." She agreed immediately with a shy smile.

"Great! I will pick you up on Saturday" He said with a big smile on his face. He was relieved and happy at the same time. "Mhm.." She hums in response and chuckles "Here it is, the small café shop, not a lot of people visit here so" Akaashi said and showed her the shop "The café looks nice though.." (Y/n) said and entered the shop after Akaashi.

Akaashi found a table for two and sat down while (Y/n) sat in front of him. He took out the menu book and placed it in the middle so she could see the menu. "Woah, they have a lot of delicious food.." She said as she was looking through it. "Mhm, they sure do.." He said and secretly peeks at her as he saw her looking at the menu, her smooth hair falling to her face and she tugs it behind her ears.

When she turned her head to him, he shifted his eyes away "Have you decided?" She asked him and he nods his head "I will have Onigiri and you?" He smiled "Hmm..probably the same..!" She said and he called the waiter and ordered 2 dishes of Onigiri and drinks.

"Say...Akaashi when is your birthday..?" She asked him curiously and he looks at her "5th December" He smiled. "Ohh mine is on (Your birthday date)" She chuckles. "Cute" Akaashi thought as he was smiling uncontrollably. She saw his smile, his smile was beautiful yet making her heartbeat so fast. Falling deeper and deeper in love with him even though they just get to know each other.

"Here is your order!" The waiter interrupted and placed the two dishes in front of them. "Bon appetite.." The waiter said and left, leaving them both alone. "Woah, the dish looks delicious..!" (Y/n) said, taking her cutlery? ready to take the first bite. "Well then, Ittadakimasu.." Akaashi said with a chuckle and dig in first. When Akaashi took his first bite, she also took her first bite and munched it.

"it's so good..!" She said after swallowing her food and smiled happily. "Yes, it is.." Akaashi smiled at her and took another bite. (Y/n) and Akaashi talked while eating their food, smiling and having fun with each other, feeling like they are on a date or should I say..a real date.

After done with their food, Akaashi paid for his and (Y/n)'s dishes. At first, she insisted but soon agreed when he told her to let him pay and she can pay back next time. When she heard the word 'next time' she blushed again "Another date.." she mumbled and Akaashi came back. "Let's go..?" He asked her and she nods her head and both left the café shop.

When they left the café, Akaashi looked at his watch then back at (Y/n) "It's almost my work time.." Akaashi said and sighed a little. "You should go to work.. besides I still have to go to school" (Y/n) chuckles. "Are you going to school alone..?" He asked her and she slightly shakes her head in disagreement "I go with Mayuki, she's probably now waiting for me somewhere.." She answered him and smiled.

"Alright then, I will go to work. Thank you for having breakfast with me.." He thanked her with a sweet smile of his. "Ah it was nothing but thank you too.." (Y/n) smiled and waved at him as he was leaving for his work.

"Now then, back to hell"


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