☕️ || Day 4

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➳༻❀☕❀༺➳╔═════════════════╗DAY 4Jumin is writing

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Jumin is writing...
"I already have her phone number"

"Hey (Y/n)..." Mayuki called for her. She saw her spacing out as she was trying to get her back to reality. "Oiiii..." She poked her cheek, seeing her still spacing out. So she clapped her hands together in front of her face, making her snap back to reality "Wha- what?" (Y/n) was confused and startled when she clapped her hands in front of her face "You scared me, Ma-chan." (Y/n) huffed and looks at her. "What were you thinking though? You looked so in love.." Mayuki said and rested her chin on her palm. "Oh, it's nothing really.." (Y/n) said blushing as she was blushing, Mayuki was more curious and looked at her "T-E-L-L M-E" Mayuki spelled the words to her.

"I said it's nothing tho..!" (Y/n) said and covers her face with her palm. Mayuki hums in response and looked away "Okay then.." She said and smirked to herself "I will find it out anyway" she thought for herself. "Anyways, let's go to the café shop after this last lesson ends, let's study there!" Mayuki said, feeling hyped and excited. "Okay.." (Y/n) chuckles at her. "You know Bokuto, I want to get along with him so bad~," Mayuki says with her pouty eyes, she was so desperate about him.

"Why not ask for his number..?" (Y/n) suggested her and Mayuki immediately looks at her. "I don't have that high confidence for that..." Mayuki said, feeling sad. "How about you, why don't you ask for Akaashi's number..?" Mayuki said and she blushed "I...already have his number.." She shyly said with a smile "No way! How?" Mayuki was surprised, she never knew (Y/n) would already get his number. "On Sunday, when I was walking home. I met him and he walked me home and after that, he asked for my number.." She said with a blush.

"Oh wow...is that the reason why you were spacing out a while ago?" Mayuki asked and she slowly nods her head "We texted a lot yesterday..." She nervously chuckles "Wow wow wow, already making the first move.." Mayuki gasped and smirked "Make sure to make me be your one of the best bridesmaids.." She teases her. "Mayuki! No!" "I'm just joking..!"

- ☕️ -

"May I get your order?" And again, his soft beauty asked them while holding his pen and a small note. He came to take their orders "I will have a cup of hot American coffee with two donuts..!" Mayuki ordered first and showed him 2 fingers with a smile. "Of course...and you (Y/n) as usual right..?" Akaashi said to her and she nods her head with a chuckle. "Well then, excuse me.." Akaashi smiled and excused himself to make a coffee.

"Oh wow, he knew your order too..!" Mayuki said surprised and took out her book with a notebook out of her bag. "Since I come here almost every day and order the same thing so they got used to it.." (Y/n) said with a chuckle and also took out her notebook and book out. "You should try other things too! You know, for example, caramel Frappuccino.." Mayuki suggested to her "I will don't worry.." She chuckles and took out her pen.

"Now, we should study for the upcoming exam.." (Y/n) said and starts solving the first problem. "Ah, shit.." Mayuki cursed and sighed before she also starts solving the first problem. "Sorry, I had to make you wait. Your order is here.." A voice said, making them turn their head to him. "Ah..thanks Akaashi.." (Y/n) thanked him as he was placing the cups on the table and a plate of donuts. "You're welcome.." Akaashi said and notices the notebooks on the table, assuming they are studying for their exams. "And good luck with your exams both of you.." Akaashi smiled "Thanks!" (Y/n) and Mayuki said before he excused himself.

"Aww, I want Bokuto's number now.." Mayuki sighed and took a bite of her donuts. "Then go ask for his number.." (Y/n) said and pointed at Bokuto who is standing at the counter, cleaning the counter table with a smile. "Sir, do you even know how hard it is to say it out" Mayuki raised one of her eyebrows while looking at her "Just say 'Can I get your number, please?' easy" (Y/n) said, and took a sip of her coffee. "Then, why don't you ask for his number for me..!" Mayuki crossed her arms together and looked at her.

"Bet.." (Y/n) said and stood up from her seat and walked toward Bokuto "Wait...ARE YOU SERIOUS??" Mayuki got shocked by (Y/n)'s sudden action as she was looking at her. "Hey Bokuto.." (Y/n) said with a smile "Hey (Y/n)! What's up? Do you need anything?" Bokuto asked her with a smile "Well, Mayuki over there wants to get to know you so she's shy and wants your phone number.." (Y/n) said and secretly pointed at Mayuki sitting over there watching them. "Of course! Besides I want to get to know her too!" Bokuto shyly said as he was scratching at the back of his head and took out a small piece of paper and write down his phone number. "Here.." He said and handed her a small piece of paper "Thank you so much..!" She beams at him and went back.

"Here, happy now?" (Y/n) said and slid the small paper toward her "Oh my god (Y/n), you are my life saver oh my god. I love you so much.." Mayuki said with a big smile and took out her phone to save his number "Yea yea" (Y/n) chuckles and took her pen "Now study or I will slap you with my flip flops" She added "Roger..!"

"Bokuto-San, what did you give to her..?" Akaashi said to him as he was walking back to the counter after serving the customers. "Ah, her friend wanted my phone so (Y/n) came instead of her.." Bokuto laughed and looks at Akaashi again. "By the way, are you gonna ask for her number too?" Bokuto smirked at him "Oh that, I already have her phone number.." Akaashi smiled and Bokuto's mouth hung open "Already??" He was surprised, his best friend already asked for his crush's phone number.

"So by now, you two must have texted a lot.." Bokuto said. "Yeah...we did text yesterday.." Akaashi smiled, remembering the conversation between him and her. "Oh wow.." Bokuto suddenly got jealous of him but smiled "Oh well, make sure to name your future kid after my name..!" Bokuto laughed and went back to work. "Maybe.." Akaashi chuckles at him.

"I will look forward to our future"


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