☕️ || Day 3

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➳༻❀☕❀༺➳╔═════════════════╗DAY 3Jumin is writing

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Jumin is writing...
"Can I get your number?"

"Mayukiiiiiiii!! Come out!" Tiredly (Y/n) pulled her best friend out of the bathroom. Mayuki locked herself in the school bathroom because she was depressed about the Math test. She didn't learn anything at all after she was sick at home. "I shall...commit alive.." Mayuki dramatically said, holding her chest feeling bad. "Oh come on, it's gonna be just a few of them. Let's go to class and study.." (Y/n) said and pulled her by her arm to the class while she was whining.

"Sit down and let's begin.." (Y/n) said to her and opened her math book. Mayuki puffed her cheeks while pouting and opened her book. "No whining or I'm not buying donuts.." Mayuki gasped and shook her head "Noo, meanie!!" And that they studied for the math test. "I swear, this is hard.." Mayuki said, closing the book, and (Y/n) stood up "Oh well, you can do it.." She chuckles and picked up her books. "Disaster...I swear.." Mayuki mumbled and the school bell rang. "Oh well, good luck.." (Y/n) sent her a little wave and went back to her seat.

- ☕️ -

"Finally..it ended" (Y/n) placed down her pen and stretched her neck and back. "(Y/n)! Let's go!" Mayuki said as she was already packing her books to her bag and ready to yeet out of school or should I say a hell for her. "Woah, that was fast.." (Y/n) said and packed her books too and stood up. "Okay, we can go.." Mayuki grabbed her wrist and yeeted out of the college with (Y/n).

"Wha- Mayuki! Slow your horses down!" (Y/n) said and breathed, they are now standing in front of the café shop and Mayuki looked at her "D-O-N-U-T-S-!" Mayuki spelled it, looking at (Y/n) with sparkles in her eyes. "Alright, Alright.." (Y/n) sighed and stepped inside the café shop.

"Welcome..!" The staff said. (Y/n) and Mayuki walked toward the counter and met the owl boy "oh welcome! (Y/n)!" He said and she got surprised "You know my name..?" She asked him. "Of course! Akaashi told me about you! I'm Bokuto Koutarou.." He smiled and looked at Mayuki "And you must be Mayuki.." He beamed. "H-Hi.." Mayuki shyly said.

"So what can I get you today.." He asked, "hmm...can I get 4 donuts with 2 iced americanos" (Y/n) said and took out her credit card "Of course! Anything else..?" He asked and got two cups "That's all.." She paid for it and stepped aside with Mayuki. "Next time you are paying.." (Y/n) said and her eyes shifted at her. "R-Roger.." Mayuki nervously said and looked at the owl boy at the counter. "Oya? Fell in love with him?" (Y/n) chuckles "uh..no" Mayuki shifted her gaze somewhere else so it wouldn't be obvious.

"hmm..." she softly chuckles and looked away. While waiting for her order, someone accidentally bumps into her "I'm so sorry.." The person gasped and bowed down "Ah no, I'm sorry too. I should have looked" (Y/n) waved her hands, and looked at the person's face and their eyes met.

His gunmetal jade blue eyes met her (E/c) ones, she blinked and bowed down. "Please excuse me.." Akaashi smiled at her and left. "He smiled..his smile was beautiful" (Y/n) thought as she was still looking at him. "Head over heels huh?" Mayuki whispered to her, making her look at her "says the one who kept staring at Bokuto" (Y/n) smirked "S-Shut..go take your order!" Mayuki said flustered and pushed (Y/n) "Hai hai"

- ☕️ -

Skip to Sunday, (Y/n) walked out of the convenience store with a bag in her hand. It was a sunny and cool day so she decided to go to buy some food. "It's a nice day today.." She hummed happily as she was walking home. While walking, she felt a light tap on her shoulder making her turn her head to the person "A-Akaashi-San.." She gasped when she saw him next to her "Hi.." He softly said with a beam. "H-Hi.." She nervously greeted him back and smiled.

"Are you walking home..?" He asked her and saw her holding a shopping bag. "A-Ah yes, I went to buy some food" She chuckles, gripping the bag. "If you don't mind, can I walk you home..?" He softly and tenderly asked her, waiting for her answer. "But..are you sure? Don't you have work?" She asked him worriedly and he shook his head "I don't have work on Sunday so it's fine.." He smiled. "Then...sure.." She smiled. The feeling inside of her was tingling, she was happy that she was able to walk home with him.

"Here..let me hold this for you.." Akaashi said and took the bag from (Y/n)'s hand and looks at her "I- no...I can hold it though.." (Y/n) said but the bag was already snatched away from her hand. "It's fine.." He chuckles and started walking. (Y/n) blushed a little as she was walking next to Akaashi.

Since it was a little bit of awkward silence, she decided to break it "How long have you been working in that café shop..?" She asked him and slightly looks at him and back to the road "Hm..when I graduated from college last year, I started working in the café shop.." he answered as his eyes were still focused on the road. "Ah, so you are one year older than me.." (Y/n) said with a soft chuckle "Well then, I hope you pass the exam and graduate soon.." Akaashi smiled and looked at her with a corner of his eyes. "Mhm, thanks.." She beamed at him, making his heart flutter.

"Oh, we are already here.." (Y/n) said as she feels a little bit sad. "Oh, I see.." He said and his eyes analyzed the house in front of him. "Here is your bag.." He said and gave her back the bag with a smile. "Oh, thank you so much for walking me home today.." (Y/n) said and took her bag. "It was nothing.." he chuckles. "Oh and...Uhm...if you don't mind, can I get your number? So we can get closer.." Akaashi shyly said as his face turned into a light shade of red. (Y/n)'s face also flushed red as she heard him "Y-Yeah sure..!" She said with a smile and they exchanged their numbers.

"Well, thank you for your number. I will see you again.." Akaashi smiled and sent her a wave before he left. (Y/n) waved back and watched him leave before she enters her house. She locked the door and went to the kitchen and placed the bag on the table "W-We we...EXCHANGED NUMBERS! I AM NOT DREAMING RIGHT? RIGHT?!" (Y/n) pinched her cheek, thinking she's dreaming but unfortunately she's not dreaming. "ITS REAL!" (Y/n) shouted and covered her face with her palm.

"I hope we get closer soon"


Our Last Coffee || Akaashi KeijiΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα