☕️ || Day 8

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➳༻❀☕❀༺➳╔═════════════════╗DAY 8Jumin is writing

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Jumin is writing...

Time passed and passed, being in 7 months in a sweet relationship but little things she never knew about his secret. They shared every little secret but there's one thing he never said to her.

(Y/n) and Mayuki already graduated from college and now they are working in a small company in Tokyo. Yes, they are working together.

"Ayo, I'm so tired that I'm about to pass out" Mayuki groaned as her groans echoed the empty office. "But you are done with work.." (Y/n) chuckles and also stretched herself. Mayuki and (Y/n) were the only ones in the office late at night.

"Let's go home.."

Walking down to the exit, (Y/n) and Mayuki saw 2 black figures standing by the exit door as the girls walks closer it was their lovers.

Walking home together, having dinner together. They went home separately as a couple of course while holding hands.

Saying their goodbyes and a little kiss on her forehead, Akaashi went to separately. He was walking home but suddenly his chest starts to cause pain but a little one, holding his chest tightly he coughed.

He fasted his paste and arrived at his home, he locked the entrance door and collapsed on the ground while holding his chest in pain while coughing, he was trying to catch his breathe suffering from pain. As the pain got worse and worse, Akaashi passed out holding his chest.

When his parent got home, they freaked out. Seeing their only son collapsed on the ground, his face frowned in so much pain like he has been suffering for some months. They immediately called the ambulance and took him to the hospital.


The next morning day, (Y/n) woke up as usual and got ready. She locked the main house door and tugged her house keys inside her bag and starts walking to work.

While walking, she decided to stop by the café shop to buy some coffee for work. She slightly pushed the door open and entered the shop and waited in a line, when she was waiting she noticed Akaashi is not there. "Weird?"

"Hey Bokuto, I would like to get as usual please.." (Y/n) smiled at him and ordered her drink. "Roger!" Bokuto smiled and typed on the screen, she paid for her drink and asked Bokuto "Hey Bokuto..is Keiji here..?"

Bokuto froze and his smile immediately dropped. "Akaashi...he's in the hospital.." Her smile dropped, her body frozen in place and her heart crashed. "W-What? What happened to him..?"

it was silent, only music in the background or customers talking could be heard.

"He have cardiovascular disease"
(Heart disease)

Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina), or stroke.

The world stopped for her "I'm going to meet him now..." (Y/n) said and ran out of the shop when Bokuto shouted her name. She didn't take the coffee as she was worried about her lover's health.

Calling a taxi, she went straight to the hospital. (Y/n) was panicking hardly and walked straight to the receptionist. "Hello...I'm here to visit patient Akaashi Keiji..may I ask for his room number?"

The receptionist looks at her and back at the screen "Are you a family member of the patient..?" The nurse lady asked her politely and typed on her keyboard "I'm his girlfriend..." She answered.

"Patient Akaashi Keiji is in room number 1509.." The nurse said, (Y/n) thanked her and walked fast to Akaashi's room. She knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in.." A voice said from the room and she entered. And there he was, sitting on the bed with his back leaned against the pillow, monitor beeping the whole plain room.

(Y/n) closed the door behind her and hurriedly hugged Akaashi "You scared me Keiji...are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" She was panicking so hard, scared, and worried about her boyfriend's health. "Darling...I'm fine, don't worry"

A small laugh escapes from his mouth and hugged his girlfriend's back and patted her back. She broke the hug and took a seat next to him while holding his hand.

"Are you sure Keiji..? What happened..?" She asked him worried but in a lower tone, holding and caressing his big hand and looking at him. "Nothing...I just fainted.."

He chuckles, he didn't want her to know about his disease if she did, he knew she will be sickly worried about him yet he kept his mouth shut about his disease. (Y/n) knew.

"You should be careful Keiji..." She said, her eyes forming into tears like she will cry any time soon. Akaashi pulled her closer to him and planted a light kiss on a forehead and then on her lip. It was a little peck on the lip.

Not long a doctor came inside the room and made a checkup on Akaashi. Doctor deeply sighed after he checked his condition "Are you his girlfriend?"

"Yes, I am.." (Y/n) answered the doctor's question "Can we talk for a bit..?" She slightly nods her head and walked out of the room with the doctor.

"About patient Akaashi Keiji...did you know he have cardiovascular disease?" (Y/n) nods her head sadly, her heartbroken into many pieces.

"Mr.Akaashi will need surgery in 3 days..his heart is really weak that I'm pretty sure he will die soon.."

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