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A/N I hate this chapter and myself.

"Jojo hurry up we're going to be late" I yell at the closed door of the bathroom which Joey was doing god knows what in.

"Just a minute" he yells back, I roll my eyes "you said that like five minutes ago, what are you doing in there anyway?"

"I'm getting ready, you know some people need to work hard to look good, not everyone can be as naturally beautiful as you"

"oh shut up" I yell back thankful that he couldn't see the blush that had spread across my cheeks.

A few minutes later the door opens showing Joey slightly better than normal, "wow that took you like an hour just for that" I say cheekily, he gasps and grabs at his chest as though offended which I laugh at.

"Ok great now go get Diane and all of your stuff together, I'm going to the toilet" I say pushing past him into the bathroom.


A few minutes later we were in the car and on our way to our destination, I was wearing a sleek black dress that showed off my bump quite nicely, Joey was wearing a pretty casual suit and Diane who was sat in my lap was wearing her big sister shirt. We talked like usual occasionally checking the GPS to make sure we were going the right way.

Before long we pulled into a parking spot right outside the photo shoot shop. We hoped out of the car with Diane in her travel carrier and walked inside. As we entered we were met by the photographer, "sorry we're late someone took forever getting ready" I say nodding in the direction of Joey who gives a guilty smile. She chuckles "that's all good, follow me through here" she says and we follow her into one of the rooms down the hall.


About half an hour later we were done and back in the car quite sweaty from the bright lights we were just under for half an hour, Diane was already asleep in my lap and I felt myself slowly sliding my head down against the window.

I must of fallen asleep because what seemed like a few minutes later I opened my eyes and we were pulling up to the house, I look over to see Joey putting something in his mouth, "what are you eating?" I ask groggily, "oh you're awake" he says turning off the engine and looking over at me, "yeah" I say and I lean over to kiss him. "I felt hungry so I got some food after you fell asleep, I got you something too" he says pointing down to a small bag behind the seat. "Thanks" I say grabbing the bag and pulling out a few fries and eating them.


I look through my post again looking over the photos i chose from the photoshoot earlier in the day, there was a few cute ones with me, Joey and Diane, one where it showed off Diane's shirt, some cute ones of just me and Joey including one of him kissing my stomach and one showing off my stomach clearly. "You ready" I ask holding my finger above the post button, "ready as I'll ever be" Joey replies also holding his phone about to post our announcement post. "Alright, three, two, one" I say pressing my finger down after one, out of the corner of my eye I see Joey do the same and after a few seconds my phone and Joey's buzz from the others post and it was done.

A/N Hey guys I'm back. My exams are finally over! I'm pretty sure I failed them all but anyway. I really don't like this chapter but here we are anyway. Remember to comment on the update chapter if you haven't already and if you want a say in baby names. And yeah I think that's all so I'll update as soon as I can which will hopefully will be soon, possibly very soon (possibly later today for me). So yeah, bye. Hope you enjoyed this terrible chapter.

Richpez: Plus oneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum