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A/N Again it's not great and not very long, sorry.

I was nearing the end of 38 weeks and that meant that I could give birth basically any day now, I had continued nesting and was feeling very done with pregnancy.

I was feeling very sore in my stomach and feet, my feet had swelled up so much that it was very painful to be on them for long periods of time so I spent most of my time resting, Joey had been very helpful letting me rest, sometimes even joining me, he gave me massages and let me rest while he took care of all the house duties.

I had started my leave from work but Joey had continued working deciding to take leave when the baby was here so I spent a lot of my time snuggling with Diane which she was loving, but she was definitely not going to like sharing us with a new baby when the time came.

Today we had what was likely to be our last appointment, so there we sat in the waiting room for what was likely going to be the last time in a while, possibly even ever. We eventually got called into the small room we had become very familiar with and the doctor had checked the baby's size, weight as well as it's position, after being told everything was looking good we made our way back home and rested the rest of the day.

The next day I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen, Joey walked in a few minutes later with a tray of pancakes and juice, he passed the tray over to me with a kiss on the forehead. He stayed with me for a few minutes giving my feet a quick massage but unfortunately he had to leave for work so he gave me a quick kiss and hug then left.

For the rest of the day I mostly sat on the couch watching tv but I also got in a small walk around our street as my feet had felt slightly less swollen. The doctor had recommended I tried to get some light exercise in but it was hard when I was sore and felt like doing nothing all day.

I was also getting the occasional braxton hick which were getting slightly more intense as the days went on and they made it hard to do anything when they came on.

So there I sat on the couch watching real housewives as Diane sat on my lap, only getting up to eat or go to the toilet, which I did like every five minutes as the baby pushed against my bladder.

When Joey got home he brought along with him takeaway food, he joined me on the couch after serving up two plates of food and we sat and ate while watching tv.

After dinner Joey cleaned up and then I got him to give me a back massage, we snuggled on the couch a bit more then we made our way to the bedroom.

We got ready for bed then I wrote a bit in my pregnancy journal, read and then eventually turned out the lights and snuggled into Joey, he held me close stroking my shoulder softly until I eventually fell asleep.

A/N Guys I'm so sorry this is so bad.

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