Dog or human?

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"Alright I've got 3 bags of chips do you think that's enough?" I ask holding three fairly large bags of chips in my arms, "yeah that should be good, I don't think we'll have a huge party" Joey replies and I dump the bags into the cart.

It had been a few days since I told Joey that I was pregnant, we had decided that we were going to get all of our LA friends together at our place tonight to announce our big news, and then after the party we were going to FaceTime our friends and family that didn't live in LA to tell them the news.

"Ok so we've got chips, soda, some assortments of candies and I'll make some treats at home that's probably all we need right?" I say looking over all the things in the cart

"Yeah that's good, ok lets go"


"Mmm it smells good in here, how are you so amazing at everything you do Lo?" Joey asks coming into the kitchen kissing my cheek as he passes me

"Can you not" I snap

"Ooh someone's moody, you're definitely pregnant" he says sarcastically, I turn and punch his arm

"I would prefer if you let me cook" I say sounding surprisingly upset. hormones.

"Alright Lo, but seriously you are amazing, I love you so much"

"Thanks JoJo" I say sounding a lot more like myself.

He leaves and I'm met once again with the peace that cooking brings me.


"Alright place the bowls of chips spread out across the table, put those there and those there, oh and put the cookies there and I'll bring the cake out later" I say pointing out all the different foods we have one by one.

"Ok I think that's all the food, where do you want the soda?" Joey asks after placing all the food on the table where I pointed out, "um I guess we can put them there" I say pointing towards an empty spot at the back of the table.


"Ok are the shirts in the bedroom?" Joey asks coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Yep" I say sighing a sigh of relief

"It's 6:42 so we still have a bit of time before everyone should arrive" Joey says looking up at the clock on the wall

"Alright, wanna snuggle" I say looking up into his eyes

"of course I do" he says then quickly kisses my forehead


I look over the room at Joey who was talking with Corey and Brian, he catches my glance and looks back at me, we both know what the other is thinking, everyone was here it was time.

Joey begins walking over to the bedroom, I glance around to spot Diane. There she is over there near her bed.

I sneakily walk over, pick up Diane and we go over to the bedroom as well, luckily no one really noticed that both me and Joey left the party, mostly because people were catching up with old friends they hadn't seen in a while or just really deep in conversation.

I shut the door and hand Joey Diane, he puts Diane in her shirt and I put on mine.

"Alright, ready?" I ask, joey nods and we open the door and sneakily walk into the living room where everyone would see us.

"Alright everyone can we get your attention please" Joey calls out loudly, everyone goes quiet and looks up at us, some people notice the shirts I notice as they smile expectantly (namely Jaime).

"Well thank you everyone for coming on such short notice, but we wanted to get everyone to come together for our big announcement" I say leaving a big pause for anticipation.

"Well what is it?" A voice calls out from the crowd sounding a bit like Brian

Me and joey look at each other then say in unison "Diane's going to be a big sister!"

I hold up Diane as I say this showing off her 'big sister' shirt

"Dog or human?" Corey asks jokingly

"Human" I say showing my shirt now

"Lo's pregnant guys!" Joey yells out

Excited reactions spills through the crowd along with cheers and claps from everyone.


"I'm exhausted" I say dropping dramatically onto the couch next to Joey.

"Me too, that's the last of the people we need to tell except for the fans. speaking of fans when do you wanna tell them?" Joey asks wrapping his arms around me into a comforting hug

"Not just yet, maybe in like a month I don't know how does that sound?" I ask leaning in closer to Joey so that my head rested on his chest

"Yeah that's fine with me whatever you want though" Joey replies.

"I love you JoJo"

"I love you too Lo"

A/N ok so that was chapter 3 I hope you enjoyed. I've got school tomorrow and exams coming up soon but I'll update as soon as I can, I really should of studied instead of writing this chapter but whatever.

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