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A/N Again not great, sorry. Also sorry for the long pause in between chapters I've had a lot going on.

Today I was officially 37 weeks pregnant and nesting had definitely kicked in. Over the last week we had spent most of our time cleaning and adding finishing touches to the baby room so baby wise we were very prepared, including a small hospital bag on the off chance we had to leave early.

The baby room was looking great, while the rest of the house felt and looked like a dump, so today I had convinced Joey to clean everything with me.

We both started out in the living room, Joey walked around the room slowly, vacuum cleaner in hand cleaning up any and all pieces of fluff, fur, messes etc. while I stood by the tv stand dusting and wiping down everything I could see.

When I had finished that I sat down by the coffee table firstly taking off and organising everything on it then wiping it down completely. I hummed along to the music that was playing over the loud sounds of the vacuum cleaner as I placed some of the things back onto the coffee table.

Once happy with my work I get up taking the things I pulled off the coffee table and putting them in their correct places.

When I walk back into the living room I look around at the now way cleaner room in wonder, it's crazy how much a little dusting and organising made a difference, my thoughts are interrupted as I feel a quick peck on the cheek from Joey making his way around the room with the vacuum, some would say he was doing it on purpose but I didn't put much thought into it walking around and slumping down onto the couch.

I was really feeling the want to clean but it was so tiring and my feet were already feeling swollen. So there I sat feet up on the now clean coffee table, back pushed up completely against the couch.

I didn't let the pain stop me though as I started fluffing up cousins and folding blankets to make to couch look neater as well. There isn't much to do though so after a few minutes I just sit back and relax, I'm about to get up again feeling a strong urge to clean more when Joey slumps down next to me, he slides his arm around my shoulders and I snuggle into him, he lets out a sigh and we just sit there for a few minutes.

"Do you want to take a break?" He asks after the few moments of silence, I shrug, I wanted to keep cleaning but I was already feeling so tired so maybe it was a good idea to take one. My decision was soon made up for me as Joey suggests he go make some lunch, I nod sitting up and watch as he walks out to the kitchen.

I stay sat down for a few minutes thinking of something I could do while I waited, my eyes skim the room and land on a small box on the lowest shelf of the shelving unit, intrigued I walk over to it, pulling it off the shelf and walking back over to the couch.

In my pregnancy brain state I couldn't for the life of me think of what it could be, judging by the state of the box it couldn't have been there long, but then again did I just dust the box and not remember.

I shake my head not thinking of anything and pull the lid off. Inside are a few onesies, jewellery and fridge magnets. At first I'm confused, not remembering where we could have got these but as I look at the designs it hits me, these where the items we got on our babymoon.

I smile thinking back on it and pull out item by item, my smile only growing bigger with each one. My smile is huge as I stare off into distance thinking back on the trip. No time seems to pass at all before Joey enters the room again with two plates of food in hand.

"What're you thinking about" he asks as he sees me staring off into the distance, this pulls me back into reality and I laugh lightly "our babymoon" I say picking up one of the onesies and showing it to him. He is at first confused but quickly he smiles back.

*** (ahhhhhh I really don't know how to finish this but I want to keep it to tie back to the babymoon chapter, ahhhhhhh I really hate this). Anyway continue.

Feeling refuelled after lunch we got straight back into cleaning, this time we focused on the bedroom.

The bed had been stripped and all of the sheets and covers were currently in the washing machine, Joey had continued his work with the vacuum cleaner and I had continued dusting and wiping.

Next we went on to organising which luckily meant I was able to sit on the bed and relax more.

By the time dinner rolled around most of the house was already looking very prepared. We ordered in pizza, finishing off the day with a movie night that ended with me falling asleep in Joey's lap.

A/N Ahhhh we are literally so close!

Also quick little story I almost uploaded the wrong chapter when I went to continue writing this chapter a couple of weeks/ days? Ago. I knew I hadn't finished this yet but without thinking I accidentally looked at the next chapter which is completed and thought oh wait it is completed so we almost completely lost this awful chapter which maybe might've been for the better, I'm sorry.

Richpez: Plus oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن