Days of bliss

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The first few hours of Olivias life were very blissful, me and Joey were both in such awe of her.

We were all so tired that after half an hour of giving birth we were all asleep. Olivia woke up roughly every 3 hours for food, we would eat as well and then go back to sleep when she went to sleep.

The day after her birth was even more blissful, we loved her so much and she brought us so much joy already. She didn't cry very often and mostly slept, the days ahead of us were not going to be easy but we had each other and we would make it through together.

The third day of her life we were able to go home. Putting her into her car seat for the first time was such an amazing feeling and she looked so cute and tiny inside the carrier.

Bringing her inside the apartment for the first time was so surreal, we put her in her bassinet and we all slept a good nights sleep, with the occasional feeding through the night.

The next day Joey went and picked up Diane and we introduced the two of them. Diane was very gentle with Olivia and finally being all together we felt perfectly complete.

The first few weeks were very challenging, both Joey and I were running very low on sleep, we were still getting used to life as parents of two and dealing with both needs of Diane and Olivia.

Diane was getting used to a new baby in the house and having to share the attention of Joey and I, she would get very Jealous if I was holding or nursing Olivia and would either push her way onto my lap or sit and poke Olivia and/ or me until she got what she wanted and when she didn't get what she wanted she would sit and sulk in the corner.

Friends and family came and visited over the weeks, including all of our StarKid friends and both of our parents came and stayed for a few days helping us out and meeting their granddaughter.

These first few weeks have been crazy but they have been so blissful.

A/N Alright we are sort of done. First off thank you to everyone who has read this, voted and/ or commented, I don't know why you did because this was terrible, but it was really fun and I have found that I really like writing. Like I said we are sort of done and by that I mean I have other ideas for chapters but they are going to be more like oneshots, this book did turn out to be more fluff chapters that comes together to make sort of a story but from now on I'm going to post 'oneshots' that are specific to this baby (Olivia). So this "story" is done but there is more to come so look out for that, also they may not be in order so the age may jump around, or the age may not be specific. And again with everything going on who knows when I'll update.

Anyway that's all I have to say but really thank you so much to every single one of you because any response I get makes me so happy, and yeah thank you.

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