Pamper night

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I practically throw all of my stuff into the car after the long day I had just had. I had been at work basically the whole day with meeting after meeting and I was so tired, pregnancy in itself was very tiring along with the aches and pains that came with it, pregnancy hormones were definitely not helping with the situation I was in either. With all of these problems I just broke down, the tears came flooding down my face like a waterfall, I let them all out not that I would be able to hold it in now.

I begin to calm down a bit but a few tears still roll down my cheeks and my breathing is heavy, I rub my eyes and start the car wanting nothing more than to be home with Joey and Diane at the moment. I rub away the tears in my eyes at every traffic light I stop at which seems to be every single one adding to my bad day.

I pull up to our apartment wiping away the last of my tears away and grabbing my bag, I walk up to the door, unlock it and step inside. Joey says hi as I enter but doesn't look up from his phone until I chuck my stuff down to the floor. He looks up and sees my red puffy eyes, he comes over to me immediately wrapping his arms around me, I cry the last of my tears into his shoulder, Joey strokes my hair while I shake with sobs.

Without saying anything Joey guided me over to the couch placing me on his lap and cradling my body in his arms. My sobs calm down and we sit in silence apart from the occasional sniffle. "You okay now Lo?" Joey asks, I don't reply instead I nuzzle my head further into the crook of his neck. He gets the hint and asks "is there anything I can do?"

I think for a minute "can we have a pamper night?" I ask giving him the puppy dog eyes, he smiles "what do we need to do?", "really we can?" I ask now smiling, Joey smiles back "if that's what you want to do."

I practically jump off of the couch and run into the bathroom grabbing a ton of supplies, I walk back out and dump all of the supplies onto the coffee table, Joey looks up at this and smiles "why don't you go take a soothing shower, get changed into some pyjamas and I'll go get some takeaway" he asks as I sit down next to him, "sounds perfect, I love you" I say quickly kissing his lips and heading to the bathroom.


I walk out to the living room a robe on and my hair wrapped up in a towel, Joey is sat on the couch with two plates of food and the real housewives on tv, I sit down next to him swinging my legs on top of his and he passes me one of the plates.

By the time we had finished dinner I was already feeling much better but there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to have a pamper night with Joey, Joey had left to go wash up quickly while I relaxed on the couch finishing off the episode of real housewives. Joey returned a few minutes later "okay what do we do first?" He asks and I turn around on the couch to look at him "first you get changed then we face mask!" I say to which he chuckles at then turns and enters our bedroom.

He came out a few minutes later wearing a robe, he came over to me sitting next to me and I picked out a bottle of gel face mask, "okay so you want apply a thin layer of it. Avoid your eyes and mouth obviously" I say applying a small amount to my face spreading it around. Joey does the same "like this?" I nod "yep you're doing great."

"Okay now what?" Joey asks, I think for a second "could you braid my hair?" I ask and he nods. I grab a bottle of nail polish and paint my nails while Joey braids my hair, his hands stoke my hair and neck occasionally which was inevitable but he was definitely doing it on purpose, I didn't mind though as the feeling sends chills through my body. "What do you think?" Joey asks holding up a mirror so I could see my hair, "not perfect but I think it looks pretty good" he says and I laugh "it's great" I say smiling. "Could you paint my toenails? please?" I ask giving him the puppy dog eyes, he smiles and kneels in front of me "which one?" He asks holding up a few different options, I think for a second "that one" I say pointing to a red sparkly polish.

I continue painting my nails while Joey paints my toenails. When I'm done I go on my phone a bit scrolling through twitter and Instagram. Joey also finishes and goes and makes both of us hot chocolate while my nails dry. He comes back a few minutes later with two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies. We eat and drink the cookies and hot chocolate with the real housewives still on in the background but we weren't really paying attention to it as we were to focused on each other, feeding each other bites of cookies and cuddling together.

After finishing the hot chocolate and cookies we both made our way to the bathroom to take off the face masks. We get changed out of our robes and hop into bed together. "Thank you for tonight" I say laying in Joey's arms in the dark, "you're welcome, I actually had a lot of fun as well" Joey says chuckling, "well I had a great time and you really cheered me up, thank you" I say turning my body into his and draping my arm over him, he responds by kissing me and I kiss back hard. We cuddle together the rest of the night and fall asleep almost immediately.

A/N a cute little fluff piece. I am aiming to upload another one in two/ three days. Hope you enjoyed this one.

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