Chapter 9

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"You too know each other?" Carl asked. "Ya. He was my brothers friend." I told Carl. "Where is your brother?'" Jordan asked, sitting beside me. "I dont know. Half of our group is missing." i said, shrugging my shoulders a bit. He put his arm around me." He'll be fine. If i know our brother i know he wont rest until he find you." Jordan said. I smiled. "Hey guys we got a problem!" i heard Rick yell from the main area. I slid off the bed onto the floor beside Carl but he stopped me " you should stay in bed." he said, looking at my leg. "Its the apocalypse, theres no time to be in bed." i replied and started limping to the main area. I heard Carl sigh and whisper to Jordan, "was she like this before the apocalypse?" I heard Jordan laugh "Pretty much" he replied. We went into the main room were everyone was gathered. "Whats going?" Carl asked his dad. "The fence the govener took down, the walkers are all coming through and are at the fence near the prison. its not gonna hold for long" Rick said, not just to Carl but everyone. Carl and i exchanged looks. He walked over to me. "You think it might be that guy from woodsbury?" I asked. "I think so. The way he treated all us kids he didnt seem like a very nice guy." Carl replied. "Ok I want Daryl, Carol, and Jordan on the tower. And Carl, Beth, and myself will be on the ground at the fence." Rick said. "And Morgan your in charge" he added, saying to the oldest kid. "I wanna come help" i said to Carl. "No you need to stay in here and help morgan keep them under control." he replied. I pouted. "Fine" i said and walked over to the group of kids. "Ok lets go!" Rick said once everyone grabbed their weapons. They all followed Rick out the door. After maybe 10 minutes i looked at morgan, silently asking what we were suposed to do. She just shrugged. So we just waited. I was starting to get bored when i heard a crash from a room nearby. I jumped up and grabbed a knife that was on the table. None of the other kids moved so i slowly walked towards the room i heard the sound from. I heard another crash and sprinted into the room. Seeing someone i hoped to not see again. Merle. He turned around, probably hearing me. " Well hello again. Didnt expect to find you here" he said with that stupid smirk he always had plastered on his face. I backed up a bit, which was dificult cause i was limping, so i almost tripped. "Your not gonna be able to run away from me that easily." he said, walking forward. "Make a sound and i will kill you" he said. I walked over and took the knife from me. "You are coming with me." he said, grabbing my arm. He froze when we heard Rick and the others coming back in. "you do not make a scene. Tell them you want to come with me. Or your brother dies." he said. I looked at him, shocked. He had my brother. I nodded. He picked me up and walked out. Rick pulled his gun, along with Carol and Carl. Daryl just looked shocked, he probably hasnt seen his brother in a while. "Whats going on. Merle what are you doing with Terra?" Rick demanded. "Nothing. I just came to get her." he said. "Why?" Daryl asked. "Why would you want a kid?" Because weve been together since the beginning of this thing." Merle answered. "this true?" Rick asked. I nodded. "Im taking her back with me" Merle said. "No your not!" Carl said, starting to walk towards me. "Let her choose then." Merle said. "You wanna stay with them or come with me?" he asked me. I pretended to think for a sec "Come with you" i said. "See? Now will ya let us leave?" Merle said to Rick. Rick didnt say anything for a moment then lowered his gun, sighing. He gestured to the door. We left and once we were far enough away form the prison he put me down. "Now if you try and run, your brother will die" he said, then started walking. I limped along behind him. 

RIcks POV 

We watched as Merle left with Terra. As soon as rthey were gone i turned to Daryl. " i think he did something to make her say that. Can you track him?" I asked. "Sure" Daryl said and started following them. 

Back to Terra POV

It took a long time and my leg really hurt but we made to a large building surrounded with guards. I followed Merle inside and he took me to a small windowless room. He shoved me in and shut the door. 'Dammit' i thought. I went and sat down in the corner. 

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