Chapter 7

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k my friend pointed out to me that Terra doesnt act much like a 6 year old. So in case anyone else was wondering, she acts older than she is becuase she has had to fend for herself since before the apocalapse so shes mature for her age.

"Everyone calm down!" a man yelled from ontop of a large black truck. "What are we gonna do? Your the govener!" someone yelled back at him. (Author note, ok so i wrote out the whole scene of what happened but Microsoft word decided to delete it all :/ so im just skipping it and youll find out the details later.) I stood next to Carl and the few other kids who made it out with us. There was only about 30 people in total out of the hundreds in woodsbury. "What happened!?" a bunch of people were asking the 'govener'. 'How can they not know what happened?' i wondered. After awhile of the adults arguing i managed to figure out what caused the massive breach. I group nearby was trying to rebuild a prison fence and broke our fence, letting walkers in. I walked away from the group of yelling adults and over to Carl. "So what ive heard is that a group at the prison is trying to rebuild the fence and broke the woobury fence." i said to him. He sat there thinking for a moment. "Think it would be our group?" he asked."Sounds like it. I heard someone say something bout a guy on a motor bike with a cross bow. Could be Daryl" i replied. "We need to find a way to sneak away from here and get back there. Obviosuly they had a reason to break the fence here." Carl whispered. I nodded. "But how?" i asked. "we will leave when its dark, and steal some of the weapons." he said. "Ok" i replied. After awhile it was starting to get dark and Carl had already stolen 3 guns and 2 knives. "All set to go?" he asked me. Before i could reply a man came up to us "come with me" he said and started walking away. Carl sighed and we followed the man. He led us to one of the old barns near where we were camping and opened the door. "In" he said. I looked at Carl, wondering if we should go in. We didnt get a choice though as the man shoved us in and shut the door. "Hey! Let us out!" Carl yelled, banging on the door. But no one answered. "Why did they lock us in here?" i asked. " i dont know. But were gonna get out." he replied and started walking around inspecting the walls. I turned around and noticed there was a bunch f other kids in here. The ones who escaped with us. I ignored them and climbed up into the loft. It was an old barn so maybe we could break the roof somehow. I looked around and found a little window but the cover was shut. I pushed on it and kicked it but it must have been boarded up like the other windows. "Damn it" i muttered. I climbed back down into the main area and walked over to the other kids. "Did they tell any of you why we were in here?" i asked. No one spoke for a moment then an older boy in the corner of the barn spoke up "I heard one of the guards outside say we were useless and to lock us in here so they dont have to worry about us" he said. I was gonna say somthing when another kid jumped up "I smell smoke. Does anyone else?" she asked, looking terrified. I stopped for a second. I could smell smoke. I looked around and found a crack in one of the boards on the window. I looked out and saw the feild around us was on fire. "The fields on fire!" i exclaimed. Carl came running over and looked out. "Okay everybody to the other side of the barn." he said. Everyone listened. "We have got to find a way out of here." i said to Carl "I know but how? Ive looked everywhere and theres no way to get out." he replied. Before i got the chance to reply i heard someone banging on the door. "Hey is anyone in there?" the person yelled. I looked at Carl. "That voice sounds familiar. Is that Rick?" i said. He didnt answer and ran to the door. "Dad?" he yelled questioningly. "Carl?" he dad yelled back. "yah its me! And Terras here too!" Carl yelled back. "how many of you guys are in here?" Rick asked. "About 10 of us. All kids" Carl replied. "Ok hold on were gonna get you guys out." he said. Carl turned around and looked at me. "they found us." he said smiling. I just smiled back. After a few minutes we heard what sounded like metal hitting metal. Another few minutes and the door flew open. The smoke was so think now it was hard to even see, let alone breathe. "Come on!" Rick yelled. "Follow us!" i yelled to the other kids. We all followed Rick and i think Carol, it was hard to see. We ran to the trees and down a hill where there was a small creek. We all collasped into the creek, trying to breathe fresh air.I heard a noise and spun around, "Oh my god" i muttered

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