Author Note

169 1 0

Song: Lego House by Ed Sheeran

Sorry about not uploading for a month. I was reading through my story and noticed many plot errors, typos, ect. And that i somehow changed her name from Skrya to Terra a lot. So I've been editing all the chapters. So to clear the name thing up, her name is Terra. Idk why i put Skrya in like half the chapters. I also fixed some plot errors. If you notice anything that contradicts something else or isn't right feel free to tell me :) Also i need ideas! I just started Chapter 20 and I've got nothing. And 3.6K reads! Thats amazing! Thanks to everyone who has read, commented or voted on my story! :) Chapter 20 should be up sometime this week.

Just Trying to SurviveWhere stories live. Discover now