Chapter 16

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Song: Make it Stop by Rise Against

I layed on my bed and stared at the roof. After awhile i kicked off my shoes and tried to go to sleep but i was too paranoid about the governor. After awhile i heard someone come in and sat up slightly. It was Glenn. "its late you should be sleeping." he said. "Cant sleep" I replied, laying down again. After a moment i felt someone climbing up on my bed."I thought i was supposed to be sleeping" i said sarcastically. "I thought you said you couldn't" Glenn replied just as sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at him. He layed down beside me. "What do you want?" I asked "What i need a reason to want to spend time with my sister?" He said. I rolled over to face him. "You know Terra you don't need to act like an adult anymore. Why would you try and make a decision like that by yourself?" he asked suddenly. "Glenn I've been alone since the beginning of this. And i had to take care of myself before also. Its kind of a habit" i replied. "Wait what do you mean before?" He asked, looking confused. "Dad didn't care about me. After you left he gave up and i had to fend for myself." I said. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. " The day i decided to it was kinda the end of the world so.." i replied. He still looked concerned but didn't press the topic anymore. " And you didn't have any group? No people you started with?" He asked. I didn't answer for a few minutes. "One. But he was only 2 so he didn't survive very long" i replied finally. "A two year old?" Glenn asked, sounding slightly shocked. I nodded. "But he didn't understand about the walkers. He was too young" i said. "So other than him you had no one?" he asked. "Nope" i replied. I looked up at Glenn and saw he was crying. "Why are you crying?" i asked. "You used to be my baby sister. Always playing not caring about anything. And you had to grow up in such little time." He said quietly. "Tough world now.' I whispered. I was about to say something but it was cut off by a yawn. I heard Glenn chuckle. "You should try and get some sleep" he said. "Im not tired" i replied but then yawned again. "You get some sleep" Glenn said, hopping off the bed. "Fine" i sighed. Glenn left and i layed there for a bit. I was exhausted but worried about what the governor would do. After awhile i gave in to sleep.

Sorry its so short but i am stuck for ideas. And also, Thanks for 3K reads!!! I almost squealed in a store when i saw that lol.

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