Chapter 4

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"Nick!" Lizzie yelled to the walker by the fence. I was stuck with them again. They sat there yelling at the walkers for awhile till i finally got sick of it. Just as i was going to leave i noticed alot more walkers coming to the fence, probably brought by the kids yelling. "Lizzie stop it! Your drawing more walkers to the fence with all your yelling" i exclaimed "Oh well. More to name" she replied. I stood there watching a more walkers started coming up to the fence. There must have been over 20 now. "Lizzie shut up!" i yelled at her "your going to bring all the walkers here!"  she ignored me. I watched as the walkers started pressing on the fence and more were coming. I looked at the boy beside me, who was only barely 4, and before i had the chance to say anything i heard the fence start breaking. "Lizzie!" i yelled. She looked shocked, just standing there watching as the fence fell. I looked at Mika "Get Joseph inside! Ill get Lizzie!" i said to her. She grabbed Josephs hand and they started running towards the prison. I ran over to Lizzie who was still just standing there. "Lizzie we need to go now!" i yelled, seeing the walkers had broken through the fence completly and were getting closer. I grabbed her arm and started pulling her, which got her attention. We started running towards the prison but the walkers were really close now. I looked up to see the prison door open and Mika come running out with Carol,Glenn and Daryl. They started running over, pulling out their guns. I looked back to see how close the walkers were, but tripped on a peice of wood. As i tried to get up a walker caught up with me and fell ontop of me. I struggled, trying to get away, but it was alot stronger than me. I kicked and hit it, trying to keep my arms away from its mouth. It grabbed hold of one of my arms and was pulling it towards its mouth. Just before it bit me Glenn ran over and yanked it off, stabbing it. I jumped up and we started running back to the prison. There was only a few walkers left and Carol shot them with her gun. Glenn picked me up and started looking at my arm. "Did it bite you?" he asked frantically. "No Glenn im fine." i replied. Rick came running out "We need your help! Walkers got in through the basement!" he said, running back inside. Glenn put me down and we all ran back in to the prison. I looked around and there was bodies everywhere and not just walkers, some of the people too. Carol ran over to Lizzie and i and made us follow her to a cell where all the kids were hiding and told us to stay there. We all were sitting on the bed but we could hear the sounds from the cell block. People screaming and alot of shooting. All of a sudden a walker burst in the door, all the kids started climbing up the bed on to the top. I grabbed a gun that was on the table and shot its head. All the kids stared at me, shocked. I ignored them and went to stand by the door to make sure no other walkers got in. After a few more minutes the shooting seemed to die down. I saw Carol running over to us. "Weve got to go now!" she said,leading us all out of the cell and past the fighting. We all ran outside and it was dark out but you could still see he hundreds of walkers that broke in. We all ran to the vehicle yard where some of the adults were already we spilt up into different cars and just as i was about to get in one i noticed Glenn wasnt anywhere. I ducked behind one of the cars that wasnt being used and waited till i could sneak away. I ran back towards the prison and ran inside. There wasnt anyone left inside and all the walkers started heading my way. I ran back out and shut the door. I turned around to see the feild was even more full now. Most of the vehicles had already left so i ran down the gravel road and into the forest. There was a loud bang that shook the ground. I stopped running and looked at the prison, it was in flames. Someone must have done that to kill most of the walkers. I ran until i found a road and followed that for awhile and found a small cabin like house. I cleared it out walkers and climbed up into the attic, where walkers couldnt get. And fell asleep. 

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