Chapter 8

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"Run!" Rick yelled as a huge herd of walkers started getting closer, some on fire. 'will this ever end?' i wondered. We all started running again but it was very slow. We could barely breathe from the smoke we had breathed in. It took us around half an hour but we made it back to the prison. Most of the fence on the left yard was in shambles. We were running towards the gate when i felt something snap closed around my leg. I threw my hands up to my mouth to muffle my scream. I looked down and saw i stepped in a fox trap. It hurt like hell. I fought back tears and looked around, seeing everyone was still running. "Help!" i yelled. Rick stopped and turned around, running over to me. "What wrong?" he demanded. I pointed to my leg. "Oh god" was all he said. He knelt down, inspecting the trap. "I dont know how to open this!" he exclaimed. "FIgure it out!" i yelled. Seeing the walkers getting dangerously close. "Daryl!" i heard Rick yell. I turned to see Daryl running towards us. "You know traps how do we open this thing??" Rick demanded. "Move" Daryl said and leaned down by the trap. After a moment it sprung open, which hurt even worse than when it shut. I covered my mouth again, muffling my scream. "We gotta go!" Rick yelled, stabbing a walker. Daryl picked me and Started running, Rick following. "Come on!" Carl yelled form the gate, getting ready to close it. We ran through the Rick helped Carl push it shut just in time, walkers crashing into it. "Everyone inside. Now" Rick said to the kids. They all followed Carol up the gravel road to the prison. "What happened!?" Carl exclaimed, looking at my leg. "I stepped in a fox trap." i said, looking down. "Lets get you to Hershel" Rick said. Rick started walking with Carl to the prison and Daryl followed behind, still carrying me. It was a slightly long road so it took a few minutes to get up. When we were about half way there, i decided to ask. "Daryl, is, is Glenn here?" i asked. He was silent for a moment "No. Only Rick, Carol, Hershel, and i are here." he said. "Oh" i said quietly. "Hes probably out there with the rest of the group, making their way back here." Daryl said. I smiled slightly. We finally got to the door and as soon as we walked in Hershel was running over to us. Bring her over here. He said. Daryl followed Hershel over to a table. Daryl set me down on the table with my legs hanging over the edge. Hershel started looking at my leg. "The same side you were shot in." i heard him mumble. "What happened?" Hershel asked. "She stepped in a fox trap." Daryl replied. "Geez." Hershel said before going to get some bandages. After he finished bandaging my leg he went to check on the other kids. I slid off th table and kind of hopped over to Carl. "hey. Hows your leg?" he asked when he saw me. " Its fine" i replied. "Well im gonna show the kids to their beds. Wanna come?" he asked. "Sure" i replied. I limped along beside Carl while he showed the Kids to their beds. "And this is our cell" he said, showing me the last one. "Well im gonna go help my dad get stuff cleaned up." Carl said, walking away. I limped in and layed down on the bottom bunk. I ended up falling asleep. I felt someone shaking me awake and i opened my eyes, seeing it was Carl. 'theres someone here who wants to see you." he said. I sat up, confused and looked at the door. I couldnt belive my eyes. 'No way, Jordan?" I whispered. "Yup" he replied, smiling. 

ooooo new person! lol next chapter should be up sometime soon. I have exams coming up so it might not be for a week or two. and over 700 reads?? OMG! lol thats awesome! Thanks for all the reads and Votes!

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