Chapter 5

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It has been about a week since what happened at the prison and i still havent found anyone from my group. Its been days since ive had anything to eat and the water bottle i found ran out a couple hours ago. My side always hurt now, i think my wound got infected. I tripped on something and looked up, seeing i was on what seemed to be a highway. I followed it for awhile till I saw a tank driving along the side of the road in the grass. I was shocked, not only that it was a tank but that there was peeople dressed up like military on it. One of them looked over to where i was and started saying stuff to the person driving. The tank stopped and the man jumped off, walking towards me. I back up a couple steps, not knowing if i could trust these people but not having the energy to run away. "hey are you okay?" he asked. I said nothing. " are you out here by yourself?" he asked, looking concerned. I nodded. " i lost my group a couple of days ago." i replied. "you should come with us. Its not safe out here." he said. I thought about it for a second then replied "Okay" i followed him to the tank and he started talking to what seemed to be the leader. After a moment the leader walked over to me "So whats your name?" he asked. "Terra" i replied. "How old are you?" he asked. "6" i replied. He looked confused for a second. "Ok well climb on" he said, hopping back into the drivers spot of the tank. I followed the person who had talked to me first and he helped me climb onto the tank. I sat down beside him. "Im Jason by the way." he said after awhile. I didnt say anything, just kept looking around. It was pretty bumpy on the tank so i had to hold on tightly, making my hands hurt.  After about an hour we got to what looked like a small military base, surrounded by a log fence that looked like it would fall apart. A few people pushed open a large rusty metal gate and the tank drove through. We followed a small dirt road that the tank barely fit on through what looked like a mini town made of tents. There were people cooking around small fires and kids running around playing. Like nothing was wrong just outside the fence. We soon got to a large dirt area and the tank parked beside a few other military vehicles. Once the tank stopped all the army men jumped off and Jason helped me off. "Follow me." Jason said and started walking to one of the larger tents near the dirt parking lot. Once inside i saw multiple tables with people crowding around them. Some looking like they were selling stuff and others with papers and clipboards. I followed Jason to one table by the very back where a rather old looking woman sat flipping through some papers. "We found another civilian" he told her. She looked at me, seeming surprised. "She was alone?" she asked him. "Yup." he replied. She started flipping through a pile of papers and pulled out a sheet of paper with multiple names on it, some crossed off. "So whats your name?" she asked me. "Terra." i replied. She wrote it down on the sheet " Do you know your last name? It makes it easier to figure out whos who." she said. "Rhee" i said. "Ok youll be staying with Mrs. Smith." she said as she wrote more stuff on the paper. "Do you mind taking her there?" The woman asked Jason. "Not at all." He replied. "Come on." he said to me. I followed him out of the tent and we walked down the street through the makeshift town. "So since your alone youll be staying in one of the buildings with the other orphans." he said as we walked up to a small building. He knocked on the door and a short man with pure white hair and roundish glasses opened the door. "yes?" he asked. "This is Terra. Shes been assigned to your home." Jason replied. "Thanks for bringing her here." he said to Jason "No problem." Jason replied as he started walking back in the direction of the large tent. "well come on in." the man said to me. I followed him inside. We walked down a hall into a large room where there was at least 10 other kids. He walked over to an older woman and i didnt know what to do so i just followed him. "This is Terra. Shes been assigned here." he told the woman. "The woman grabbed a peice of paper and wrote down my name "Terra do you know your last name?" she asked me. "Rhee" i said. After she finished writing a bunch of stuff down she kenlt in front of me. "So how old are you?" she asked. "6" i replied. "And you where out there alone?" she asked, looking surprised. "Yup. I lost my group  few weeks ago." i replied. She was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. She got up and went to answer the door. I followed her, curious to see who it was. She opened the door and i instantly recognized them.

decided for a cliff hangerrrr. Who is it? lol who do you guys think it should be? Comment your pick.

Beth, or Glenn? or anyone else you think. 

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