"The hospital, I'm at the hospital," Jungkook answered.

"And you want to leave today right? Go home with us?"

"Yes." Jungkook nodded, still holding tight to Seokjin. "Yes I...I want to leave."

Finally, a smile spread across Yoongi's lips and he reached out to ruffle Jungkook's overgrown locks. "Okay, then let's go, can you walk?"

Jungkook nodded and stood, except the room tilted, his vision darkened, his knees buckled, and he fell into Seokjin. All at once the hyungs rushed forward, forming a cocoon with him in the center. Their voices were jumbled, all speaking at once leaving nothing but a loud murmur in his ears. Jungkook whimpered and buried his face in Seokjin's neck. He understood that they were concerned but it was too much, and they should've realized that.

"I'm okay hyungs," Jungkook squeaked. "Just a little light headed...can we...can we please go now?"

The murmur immediately ceased and they all nodded, clearly wanting to be out of the antiseptic soaked room just as badly.

Seokjin moved Jungkook, tucking him beneath his arm, and squeezing the frail boy close. "Alright, the car is waiting for us in the back."

The car window was cool against Jungkook's cheek, while his head gently knocked the glass with every bump in the road. The city was somehow foreign to him, as if he had been in a coma for six months, at least that's what they told him.

A hand slid over Jungkook's thigh, giving the flesh a reassuring squeeze. He turned to the owner of the hand to see Hoseok smiling at him.

"We're almost at the airport, okay kookie?" He whispered.

Jungkook hummed before looking back out the window, his breath fogging the glass. For some reason nothing seemed real. All of it like a dream he couldn't wake up from. His hyungs were different, he was different, everything was different.
The car rolled to a stop and that's when it hit him, the roars and screams of their fans. He could see them, forming a barricade in front of the entrance, hundreds of bodies all molding into one loud blur. Normally it would've excited Jungkook, but now, all he felt was fear gripping at his heart and limbs.

"Jungkook? Baby?"

He turned to be met with seven pairs of wide, worried eyes. Hoseok slid something across their seat and when Jungkook looked down he recognized the soundproof headphones.

"Can you wear these for us baby?" Seokjin asked softly. "The doctors said your mind is still sensitive and too much noise or stimulation might harm you."

With shaking hands Jungkook grabbed the headphones, examining them. "I guess I can, they are kind of loud."

The hyungs all smiled and Hoseok reached out to ruffle Jungkook's hair. Jungkook gave the best smile he could manage before sliding the headphones over his ears. In an instant the screams were muffled, putting them in the back of his mind as soft music began floating into his ears instead.

Watching in silence, the car doors slid open and they began filing out. Except Namjoon and Seokjin, who waited for him, each grabbing one of his arms once he was out of the car. For a second Jungkook was annoyed, but then he looked up into the sea of people and quickly realized that they weren't fans. They were paparazzi, news reporters, sasaengs. Their faces twisted with disgust, hatred, anger.

Jungkook clung onto Seokjin's arm, nails digging into his skin as the space between the angry mob and him lessened. Seokjin tugged him closer in response but it helped none, he still felt as if he was being lead to his death.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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