Chapter Sixty-Four: The Honeymoon in Naboo

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After the wedding.... You headed to Naboo in the Millenium Falcon to have your honeymoon at the Naboo Residence once you finish your honeymoon, you'll be heading back to Ach-to to begin your Jedi Order traning younglings. 

At the Naboo Residence... The Falcon landed next to the beautiful lake of Naboo. You gushed at the beauty of the lake, the lush green hills, and flowers that blossomed everywhere you looked. You then set your eyes on the Residence itself. It was goregous, domed like a temple and it was blueish green the dome. ''Oh Ben, it's beautiful!'' You said reaching up to kiss him. ''I knew you'd love it. This is where my grandparents spent time together. They loved it here. They were even going to raise their children here: Luke and Leia, but then my grandfather turned to the Dark Side and my grandmother died in childbirth. So that's how my mother and my uncle became orphans.'' Ben told you honestly as silent tears fell. ''I'm so sorry, Ben. But I know that they're very proud of their grandson. I never knew that Master Luke and Master Leia were orphans. I feel so bad for them.'' You said brushing the tears out of his face. ''They were raised by good people though. I'm so lucky to have you, (Y/N).'' Ben whispered softly as he held you close to him. 

''Me too, Ben. You're my Prince. Would you like to bring our things inside now?'' You asked him. ''Yes, let's do that.'' You walked to the residence and once you entered it it was so breath-taking. A chandelier hung above the entrance: there were about a thousand crystals on it. ''Wow!'' You exclaimed in awe. ''It is beautiful.'' Ben agreed with you. You then carried your things to your room, it was beautiful, you stepped outside onto the balcony and gasped at the magnificent view of the lake and hills. ''Ben, you have to see this. Come, here.'' Ben came and stepped foot onto the balcony. ''Wow! Also, my grandparents got married on this balcony.'' Ben told you. ''Really? That is a beautiful view for a wedding.'' You told him smiling. ''It sure is.'' You shared a lovely kiss on the balcony, it was the most passionate kiss that you have ever recieved. 

You broke away and smiled happily. ''I love you so much, my Ben.'' ''Me too, my love. Would you like to swim in the lake with me?'' Ben asked you curiously. ''Of course, my love.'' You told him excitedely. You and Ben stripped down until all you had on was your bra and underwear. Ben had his boxers on. Ben jumped into the lake shirtless and you jumped after him. Ben splashed water in your face and you shrieked as the cold water splashed your face. You splashed Ben back and he let out a chuckle. ''Ben!'' You laughed as he tackled you in the water. You both laughed happily, this felt like the best moment of your lives. You then raced each other and of course Ben won. ''That's not fair, you're taller than me! That's okay, I still love you.'' You said pressing a kiss to his moist hair. ''You're so sweet. Let's go inside and get some dinner.'' ''Okay.'' 

You dried yourselves off with towels and then headed back to the residence. ''What would you like to have?'' Ben asked. ''Maybe some salmon with potatoes. I could help you. I didn't know that you could cook.'' You told him surprised. ''You didn't know? Mom taught me. She was a great cook.'' Ben said smiling as he got out the potatoes and salmon. Ben started the oven and you got out a glass dish to put the food in. You poured olive oil, herbs and spices into a measuring cup to flavor the food once Ben got the salmon and potatoes ready. Ben got the salmon ready and cut up the potatoes. You poured the olive oil sauce onto it and Ben put it in the oven for 20 minutes while Ben was waiting, you set up the table where the dining area was. 

Once the food was done, Ben brought the dishes and you asked: ''May I serve you?'' ''Of course, mi'lady.'' You laughed at his response and Ben lit the candles with the Force so it will be a romantic dinner. After the dinner you said: '' That was delicious, Ben.'' ''I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for helping me.'' ''You're welcome.'' You showered and then you both went to your bedroom to sleep. You climbed into the bed with Ben and smiled as Ben kissed you passionately. ''Goodnight, my Princess.'' ''Goodnight, my Prince.'' You slept peacefully that night because Ben is your soulmate, lover and protecter. You love to have his arms around you. 

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