Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hux's Revenge

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Enjoy the funny video I found!

''Why specificially FN-1787? How do you know that it was her who found out that Matt was me?'' Kylo said in a disappointment. ''Because, I have tracking numbers of all the stormtroopers on the base. The tracking numbers are the same as their identification numbers.'' Hux explained to Kylo Ren. ''I'm sorry FN-1787, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to turn you in. We need to investigate more on Matt and the Supreme Leader.'' ''No!'' You said afraid. ''No, General Hux. I won't let you. I think you're just trying to blame her so that she can get a lower ranking. If you lay a finger on her, I'm going to do something that you're going to regret.'' Hux scoffed. 

''So you want me to just let this go? I can't Supreme Leader! You must be Matt the Radar Technichan since I heard you say it with your very ears. So answer my question, are you also Matt the Radar Technichan?'' Kylo gulped. Hux impatiently tapped his foot and waited for a response. ''Hurry, I don't have all day. Just answer my question. Yes or n-'' Kylo lifted Hux up with the Force and began to choke him. ''You're not Matt.'' Hux said in a strained voice. Kylo released him and Hux was breathing hard and gasping. ''If you ever make up a crazy story like you saw someone say something, you'll get a lower ranking. Just to let you know.'' Kylo said coldly to Hux. 

Hux nodded his head vigourously and ran away frightened. You smiled up at Kylo/Matt, your hero. Matt removed his mask and looked at you lovingly. ''Thank you, Matt.'' You told him gratefully. ''Of course, my love. I'll do anything for you.'' Matt leaned foward to kiss you. ''Not here. Hux might see us. Let's go to your quarters.'' You whispered to him. ''Why? You think Hux really installed security cameras everywhere in the base except the quarters?'' You nodded nervously and Matt sighed in disappointment. ''Ok, then. Maybe you're right. We should play it safe and head to my quarters instead.'' Matt responded to you in agreement. You headed with Matt to his quarters so that you could spend some time together privately. 

Matt leaned into you and gave you a passionate kiss on your mouth and you returned the kiss with equal passion. You loved the feeling of his warm plush lips covering yours. Your lips moved in perfect sync, and it never felt so good. You broke apart and smiled at Matt, he smiled back. ''I love you, Matt my Radar Technichan.'' You told him ruffling his hair playfully. ''And I love you, my beautiful stormtrooper Ren.'' Matt told you giving you a small peck upon your forehead. You rested your head on Matt's strong chest and listened to his comforting heartbeats and closed your eyes dreamily. Matt pulled you closer to him and held you close to his chest and ran his fingers gently through (y/hc) hair and kissed your forehead softly again but let his lips linger for a bit longer. 

Matt kissed the crook of your neck and you sighed his name. Matt smiled at you as he loved the way his name sounded like flowing off your tongue. You smiled back at him. You breathed in his intoxicating scent and embraced his warmth and love that he brought forth to you. You lived in every moment that Matt has with you and keep a mental image of each moment wherever you go. That way, whenever you feel sad or alone you can look back on the happy times you had with Matt. You and Matt are made for each other and you're so glad that Hux can't interfere with your beautiful relationship anymore. Hux's attempted revenge has failed. Thank the Maker for that! Matt will always be there for you and so will you for your beloved, handsome, adorable, attractive and goregous Matt the Radar Technichan of the First Order base and the galaxy. 

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