Chapter Sixty-One: When Rey Meets Finn

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The next day..... Today you and John are going to be filming scenes that you have together on Jakku. You are heading back to the filming location to begin shooting for today. ''Alright, 3-2-1 action!'' J.J shouted aloud. BB-8 bleeped a statement saying that there was a thief that stole his master's jacket. ''Who? Him?'' Rey ran towards Finn with her staff in hand with an angry expression on her face and knocked Finn down onto the safety mat. ''What's your problem, thief?'' ''Theif?! I had a pretty messed up day, alright? And I would really appreciate it if you stopped accusing me of-'' BB-8 zapped Finn with his electricity. ''Ow, stop it!'' ''Where'd you get that jacket? He says it belongs to his master.'' Finn sighed. ''It belonged to Poe Dameron, right?'' Rey and BB-8 exchanged glances. ''I was trying to help him escape the First Order and the ship exploded. Poe didn't make it.'' Finn said disappointed. BB-8 bleeped sadly. 

'' So you're with the Resistance?'' Rey asked him. ''Yeah, I'm with the Resistance, yeah. I am with the Resistance.'' Finn whispered to her lying. ''I've never met a Resistance fighter before.'' Rey said smiling. ''So this is what we look like. Most of us do, some of us look different.'' Rey glanced up in the air as she ''saw'' First Order ships in the air. Finn grabbed Rey's hand about to run. ''What are you doing?'' Rey asked annoyed. He started to run really fast with Rey's hand clutched in his. BB-8 followed in hot pursuit. ''I know how to run without someone holding my hand!'' 

An explosion hit the sand and Rey and Finn fell to the ground due to the impact. Rey looked up panicked. ''Are you okay? Come on.'' Rey said taking his hand. They ran towards the sets of the ships. ''WE MIGHT OUTRUN THEM!'' ''HOW?'' ''IN THAT QUADJUMPER!'' ''HOW ABOUT THAT ONE?'' ''THAT ONE'S GARBAGE!'' Soon the quadjumper exploded. ''THE GARBAGE WILL DO!'' ''WE NEED A PILOT!'' ''WE'VE GOT ONE!'' ''YOU?'' Rey raced to the Millenium Falcon and fired the thrusters. ''I can do this. I can do this.'' Rey whispered. Finn whispered the same thing in the shooting part of the ship. 

''And cut!'' J.J said clapping. ''Good job today, Daisy and John! Alright, everyone we'll be heading back to the hotel to get our things and then we'll head back to the airport to go back to Pinewood Studios.'' You and your fellow cast and crew members packed all of your things back into your suitcases and headed to the airport. 

At the airport.... You are about to go to your terminal to board your flight. You're going to be sitting next to Adam which is great. Hopefully, you'll be able to sneak a kiss or two. You headed into your terminal happy to get back to London. ''Welcome to British Airways. We hope you have a safe flight.'' The stewardess said as you boarded the plane. You sat next to Adam. ''I'm happy to go back to Pinewood Studios. Are you?'' You asked Adam curiously. ''I sure am. All that heat is driving me crazy.'' ''Me too.'' You gave Adam a passionate  but quick kiss. Adam returned it gently. ''I love you, Adam.'' ''Me too, Daisy.'' 

You ended up falling asleep again on Adam's shoulder. You woke up to Adam tapping you on the shoulder.  ''Sorry.'' You said in embarassment. ''That's okay, Daisy. We're here.'' Adam said kissing you softly on the forehead. You smiled as you sat up and stood waiting for the people to get off of the plane so that you could get off of the plane. Once there was room, you then got out of your seats and got off the plane. 

At Pinewood Studios.... ''Alright, everyone! You all did an amazing job at the UAE! These scenes that the crew and I filmed will be incredible when they are put into the film. You may go now. Have a good evening.'' Everyone left the studio tired from jetlag but very happy for the next day too. You got into your car and headed home. You're so happy that J.J is so proud of you and Adam and all of the other cast and crew members. It looks like Star Wars Episode VII is going to be a wonderful film!

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