Chapter Fourty: The Sith Order of the Galaxy

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The next morning.... You woke up to see your goregous Kylo peacefully asleep next to you. You smiled at his beauty and you can't wait for today! You are going to bring a new Sith Order to the galaxy. Kylo yawned and he smiled at you. ''Good Morning, Rey.'' Your heart melted as you saw his beautiful smile. ''Good Morning, my love.'' You said as you planted a kiss on his jawline. Kylo responded quickly as he gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead. You smiled lovingly at each other. You both got dressed in your black outfits for the day and headed to where the Sithlings were. 

In the Throne Room.... ''Good Morning!'' They all chanted. ''Good Morning, children. We are going to train you to become powerful Siths.'' You told them excitedely. ''Cool! We get to be trained by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren!'' A young boy said. ''Yes, you do.'' Kylo told them smiling. ''You are the first Sithlings to be a part of the Sith Order! Congratulations! Now I want you to get out your lightsabers.'' You instructed to them. All of the Sithlings got out their lightsabers and activated them. They are all single-bladed red lightsabers. Kylo activated his cross-bladed lightsaber and you activated your double-bladed lightsaber. 

''Cool!'' They all said as they saw your lightsaber and Kylo's. You both demonstrated for them how to duel. ''You are going to learn how to duel soon, but right now I just want you to swish your lightsabers around and see how well your grips are.'' Kylo instructed to them. They all swished their lightsabers carefully, they all had the grip of powerful Siths already. ''I can sense in the Force that you are going to be very powerful Siths. But now, I'm going to put out a training ball with blasters from the Resistance. Your job is to deflect the blasts and win.'' You told them as you set the training ball in the air not to high for them to reach. 

The pretend blasts began and the Sithlings deflected the blasts immeadaitely and with lots of concentration from the Force. Once the blasting stopped, the Sithlings deactivated their lightsabers and caught their breaths from all their training. ''Congratulations! You are done for today! Tomorrow we will begin medidating on the Force.'' Kylo said dismissing them. The Sithlings left the Throne Room excited for their next day of training. You smiled at Kylo. 

''Wow, we're doing such a good job already! Those Sithlings surely are strong in the Force!'' You told him honestly. ''Yes, they are. I'm so proud of you, Rey. You are very powerful in the Force too.'' ''You are too, Kylo. My Supreme Leader of Darkness. You mean everything to me and I love you so much.'' You told him kissing his hand. ''You mean everything to me too, Rey. And I love you to the ends of the galaxy.'' Kylo told you truthfully and leaned foward to give you a passionate kiss on your lips. You returned it with equal passion. You broke away and touched your foreheads and smiled. You grazed Kylo's lower lip with your thumb admiring it's fullness and softness. 

''You're a great kisser, Kylo.'' You admitted to him blushing. ''You too, Rey. Would you like to dance?'' Kylo asked offering his hand to you. You nodded slightly as you took his hand in yours. You graced across the Throne Room floor dancing the waltz beautifully. You too were amazing dancers, just like you were at everything else. You ended the dance beautifully, and Kylo dipped you to the ground giving you a romantic kiss. You smiled at each other. You love each other to the ends of the galaxy and you were made for each other. Destiny, the Force, and the galaxy brought you together. You are a dyad. Two that are one. 

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