Chapter Five: Undercover Ren

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''Guards! Guards!'' Kylo Ren yelled for you and another stormtrooper to come. You walked towards the execution chamber and saw that someone has escaped. Kylo's lightsaber was slashing against all of the machinery destroying it. The stormtrooper next to you left. You weren't surprised. Kylo Ren can get a little crazy sometimes. You wonder why Kylo never removes his mask. (Your POV): What is he trying to hide? Does Kylo Ren even exist? Well, he probably does. Is he going undercover? (end POV) You head towards the lunchroom to get your food. You were told that today Captain Phasma hired a radar technichan to fix the calcinator. The calcinator is really important to have. So it has to be fixed. 

You heards the door open. That's probably the radar technichan, you thought. He stepped into the lunchroom. ''Hey guys, I'm Matt. I'm a radar technichan.'' (Your POV): Wait a minute. He sounds a lot like Kylo Ren. Just that tone of his voice. (end POV) You examined his features briefly. He has beautiful golden brown eyes, with silver-rimmed glasses, you think he looks adorable with glasses. And he has beauty marks and blonde hair with pink full lips. You are already attracted to him. But you always imagined Kylo Ren with brown or black hair not blonde hair. He is on the Dark Side after all. You think that darker hair probably suits him better. Well, you'll have to find out more clues today then.

Later on that day.... ''Matt, aren't you going to fix that calcinator?'' A woman asked him urgently. It looked like Matt was struggling to find it. ''Do you even know what a calcinator is? I haven't had my muffin yet, Matt!'' She complained to him. ''Ok, but will you please stop yelling at me? You're starting to stress me out!'' Matt yelled loudly. It sounds an awful lot like Kylo when he yells. ''Hey! That's my wrench!'' The stormtrooper ignored Matt and kicked it across the pristine floor of the hallway. ''Jerkface.'' He muttered under his breath. You headed towards your bedroom. Today might have been confusing. But one thing you know is your 99% sure that Matt is Kylo Ren. 

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