Another Mission

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A twenty-five-year-old woman with a slim build turned around, her light brown ponytail flying around with her head. Her sharp eyes searched among the people in the compound until she found the owner of the voice.

"Edward!" her low voice squealed in glee.

The man named Edward ran towards her and embraced her into a bear hug. The six feet tall guy crushed the small woman within that moment of contact.

"Can't... Breathe!" Teresa patted his arms.

Edward let go of her with a huge grin plastered on his fair-skinned face. His olive-green eyes were shining. Teresa reflected his mood on seeing her best and only friend after almost a year.

"When did ya get back?! You didn't even call!" he whined as soon as he started talking.

Teresa smiled to herself, realizing how much she missed his company. How could she forget his nagging and his facetious manner? Edward was the first friend she had found ever since she joined the CBI.

"Today," she replied lamely.

Edward tsked and rolled those big green eyes that she loved ever so dearly.

"You know what I mean," he probed.

Teresa considered it for a moment and shrugged as if it did not hold much importance. She knew he wanted all the details even if it was against the rules to talk about your missions. A rule Teresa was very serious about. However, Edward was like a girlfriend she never had. He loved to hear about her stories.

"Guess I can tell you now. I came back a week ago. It was a tiring mission," she told him, not exaggerating.

Edward pinched her chubby cheeks playfully but harshly until she punched him in the gut causing him to reel over in pain, cursing all sorts of profanities. Both of them walked to the office - fighting silently like small kids - to report to work.

"Agent Teresa Greene back on duty!" she announced loudly with an exaggerated salute as she entered the office reporting room.

Everyone perked up at that. Soon, every one of them cheered for her. Some grabbed and congratulated her for her successful mission. The entire squad had been on standby, knowing she was away at an important mission.

Her mind weakened at the recollection of the mission. She was supposed to be tailing the activities of Scorpio. It was a mafia gang which was known for its rash violence on the streets of Compton. Unfortunately, life is nothing without a few quandaries. Her cover had been blown. Therefore, she had to resort to the last option. The one she dreaded...

Someone thumped her proudly on the back, jerking her out of her thoughts. She smiled slightly and beamed at Edward happily. He winked back at her and threw her a dramatic flying kiss with a toothy grin.

He was rapped at the back of his head out of nowhere. It turned out to be the senior, Mr Bakshi, who entered the office with his morning cup of Americano and a black file under his arm.

"Agent Greene, see me in my office," he ordered, his voice hoarse.

Everyone immediately hushed down at the sight of the menacing old man. He was the senior-most in the field due to which all missions and promotions were at his mercy. Known as a choleric aged officer, he was nearing his retirement and was a misanthrope to all except the few who knew him. He was famous for being bilious and phlegmatic towards the team. Teresa was the only one who had met the golden and gentle side of him in the entire department. She was also the only one who had seen him at his worst if not the best when his child and wife had died in India. It had been a car crash and was the deadline to the warm side of Mr Bakshi.

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