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When Teresa opened her eyes, she felt better. Her body ached, but her head throb had dimmed to a minute pain. It didn't feel important. The room she was lying in was more important.

Cause it wasn't hers.

Or the one assigned to her anyways.

She slipped out of the extremely comfy bed and observed her surroundings. The last memory she had was of Seth's face. That is all she remembered. Her natural first guess, therefore, was that she was in his room.

It smelled of wood. Wait. It was made of wood. The entire interior of the room was so much costlier and better than hers. She felt a twinge of jealousy. The woody smell reminded her of something, but she thought it was probably in her head.

"Why do I get the bad ones?" she muttered under her breath.

It was a large room. The flooring was of an expensive type of wood. She had seen it in advertisements and movies. There was a study in the farther corner of the room and a window just beside it. Even the study and window panes were made of the same type of wood.

A single closet with a mirror stood at the opposite side of the study. The bed lied on the farthest side of the room. It was attached to the wall, which was opposite to the study and the closet. It was a beautiful and spacious arrangement with enough space for Teresa to walkabout.

Ah yes, the bedroom came with an attached bathroom. The door to the bathroom was placed right beside the door of the bedroom. Teresa almost missed that.

Asshole or not, the man's room was simple but elegant.

Teresa observed the books this man read. All classics, some almost extinct. He read a lot of Shakespeare. She could see an old book of Romeo and Juliet stashed carelessly inside the bookshelf. She chuckled slightly to herself. The envy got back to her, and she stopped.

"Where can I get this from?" she whined, referring to the room.

"From the right sources," his voice answered softly.

Teresa was so startled she whizzed around quickly. A wrong move obviously because she went dizzy by the fast movement and almost fell on the rich wooden floor, but Seth caught her by the waist.


He looked surprised too. His hair wasn't in its usual frizzy state. It was in an attractive mess and totally wet.

Did he just have a bath?

"Where am I?" she asked stupidly.

"In my room"


Seth laughed aloud. It was such a free and delightful sound that Teresa couldn't help but smile a little herself.

"Don't worry no one knows about what happened but me. They think you were shot or hurt," he consoled.

It wasn't comforting to hear.

"What happened?" she asked curiously.

A corner of Seth's lips twitched up as he recalled the incidents. It was so cute, Teresa felt physical pain in her stomach.

"You were dazed. I don't know what was wrong with you. As soon as the shooting started you reeled over and curled up in a ball"

Seth walked behind her. Teresa turned to face him, but he held her firmly in place by the shoulders from the back.

"I thought you were either shot or just pretending to be hurt," he continued to talk as he gently took her hair in his hands.

"Why would I-"

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