The whole Mafia thing didn't help.

She absolutely adored Adam, Alessia and Michelia but she had not interacted with any other of 'the made men' and so she wasn't comfortable with letting her kids around them. Then again, she knew that the kids were going to meet them one day or the other. It was inevitable.

"For a couple of weeks." Mateo said. "And we are going to Amalfi in Italy."

"Why there?"

"To make the kids meet their paternal grandparents of course."


"REALLY?" The kids squealed. Mateo had been telling the kids about his parents and they had been excited to see them, though River always wondered about the kind of parents they would be considering only his mom visited him once or twice when their son was shot. And his father never came. And Alessia too, had never made an appearance. At least to River's knowledge.

Then again, she had to guess that gunshots were like paper cuts to these people.

She wished she could see her family too. Or at least talk to them over the phone.

'Now I can't refuse to the babies meeting their paternal grandparents, can I?'

"I am down." River smiled.

The children cheered, getting off the bed and running off probably to find Janet or Adam.

"How are you feeling?" River turned to see Mateo observe her with a small smile on his face.

"You know, that's my line." She pointed out, throwing the duvet off of her.

"Well, I am not the one bleeding out through my vagina right now." He quirked a brow.

River rolled her eyes, Now how did he know that?

"You were cursing in your sleep, punching at your back. So I figured it out." He said, as if reading her thoughts.

She nodded. Well the worst was over. Now it was just the discomfort.

"How are you feeling today? Does it still hurt? " River asked as she got off the bed, putting on her cozy slippers.

"Well, I think I am getting used to the slight discomfort." He replied. "I did everything by myself in the morning."

River gave him a look. "Don't push it." She warned him. "The last thing we want is the wound reopening and getting infected."

"Okay Mommy." He mocked.

Can I throw a pillow at him? The voice in her asked.

Of course I can.

River threw her big fluffy pillow at his head but unfortunately the guy didn't even budge from his sitting position as he guffawed out loud.


River walked into the bathroom, disposing off her night pad and hopping into the shower along with her toothbrush because she felt unclean and in need of a shower.

She was midway into the shower when she realized. Clothes. She hadn't brought any clothes into the bathroom because she had decided on the bath only after she had come in.


River figured she would worry about it later and continued washing herself clean and got out after another half an hour of self-help speeches in her head.

She dried her wild brown curls and body with a towel and tied it around her dripping wet mane, getting a spare and dry towel from the cabinets to tie around her slender frame.

The Mafia's HeirsWhere stories live. Discover now